Announcement ⚠️

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Meanwhile, Kendrick was downstairs laying on his bed completely naked. He looked at both of his pets waiting for them to choose a new outfit for the show.

"Do well, I have had the worst hour and a half. Those crappy agents were giving me hell about those missing fuckers!" Kendrick said fluffing his pillows.

Connie had picked up a policewoman costume. But after hearing Kendrick's comment about the agents, she decided it wasn't the best choice to go with. She put it back into the drawer and saw Donie nodding his head in agreement. They were each picking out some outfits to put on a show for their master. This would be Connie's first time performing without instruction. She would have to follow Donie's lead to do master proud.

Donie pulled out a collapsible dancing pole and smiled. He turned around skipped to the middle of the room, naked except for his golden K collar. "Master?~" he sang happily. "Can we have this set up please? I can do a little pole dancing~"

Kendrick looked at the pole and smirked. He had forgotten about buying that thing in the first place. "I would like that" he said as he got up to connect the pole to the ceiling securely. Kendrick told Donie to get the other one just in case Connie wanted to try and he installed that one as well.

"My last pet couldn't dance, so hopefully this is sexy and not a comedy." Kendrick said walking back to the bed to lay naked.

Connie blushed and kept digging through the costumes. She had no idea how to dance on a stripper pole! Why had Donie done that? Did master expect her to be able to?

Donie skipped back over and put a hand on Connie's arm. He whispered to her. "You don't have to dance if you can't. Maybe just use it like a prop if you dance your own way. Like... swinging around a light post. Don't use it as a stripper pole."

Donie saw Connie pick up a skimpy leather school girl outfit. The boy giggled and shook his head. "Nuh uh... I have a better idea~" He held up a different outfit made of leather straps. "We're swapping roles~"

Donie pulled the closet door closed slightly so that master couldn't see them. He wanted their reveal to be more impressive. He also grabbed the small boom box in the closet to give them some music. Kendrick laid on the bed becoming impatient with it's the situation. Though he wanted to calm down so that his pets didn't feel rushed or scared.

"Can you guys hurry up a bit, I'm tired of waiting." Kendrick told them still sounding calm. Their master wasn't himself, he was reserved and not forceful at all. He looked slightly hopeless for lack of a better term. Donie cleared his throat and did his best to give an announcer voice.

"For the great pleasure of the master!~" he opened with, giggling at himself a little. "We are humbled and happy to present... Contessa the Conqueror~"

Connie blushed and stepped out from around the door. She hugged herself to its edge, peeking at Kendrick from under her bangs. She was wearing a strap outfit similar to what Donie had worn before. Her boobs were fully exposed and had leather straps wrapped around them. And two straps went down to her crotch and framed the small section of pubic hair over her pink lips.

"Hi master~" she purred. She pulled on a pair of pink cat ears to complete the outfit. "Can kitty come and play?~"

Kendrick growled in a smirk loving her attitude. He nodded his head waving his finger forward for Connie to follow. "Of course kitty, master welcomes you." Kendrick replied.

Connie meowed and got on her hands and knees on the bed. She purred loud enough for Kendrick to hear as she came towards him. She swung her hips wide so master could see all of her body.

"Meow~" she purred as she leaned down and kissed master's feet. She gave him soft kisses and licks on his feet, acting like a true cat. She slowly crawled up master's body, also nuzzling him with her cheek. "I will make master feel good. After a long day... I want master to feel good."

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