The Fire

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Kendall spit out cotton fabric, the shredded remains of a shirt. Then he started dry heaving. After a few hacks he spit out a shoe. Kendall coughed a few times and shook his head. "I don't even remember eating that. When the hell did I go for his feet?"

Kendall looked down at the mess of blood that was everywhere. There was not a trace of a body, only blood and clothes. Kendall scratched his hair as his tail swished around. "Huh... Guess I went the whole ten yards. I don't even remember doing that." Kendall shifted back to human, his clothes reappearing, but he was perfectly clean. All the blood stains in his fur hidden away.

"You need to work on that" Kendrick said using his arms to rubbing his mouth. "That black out shit won't end well if no one is here to tell you what happened."

"As long as there are no survivors..." Kendall mumbled as he licked his lips before wiping his mouth as well. "Then I don't have to be too concerned."

Kendall had complete apathy for the human he just ate. If a human did something bad enough to incur his wrath, then Kendall felt they deserved it. Most of the boys at school he would happily consume. The only rule he had to worry about was containing the situation and ensuring nobody survived knowing their secret.

Kendall turned to his brother and grinned. "Shall we run then? You can give me a rundown of the house so we know how to burn it down." Kendrick just chuckled nodding his head. He understood exactly what his brother meant by that. He turned back into his tailypo form and started running toward Mrs. Jackson's house.

"It's a regular 2 story. Bigger on the inside than it looks, there's a shrine or something on the wall covered in dolls. There's a painting of this guys that really needs to go. We start in the living room then move towards the kitchen. Protect what we can that belongs to Donie if we can." He explained as they ran through the trees at full speed only taking a minute or two to get near the house. "We gotta get small for this." Kendrick said as they reached civilian population. Being young still the boys had the ability to turn into smaller versions of themselves. Almost like going from dog to puppy. They appeared cuter and more gentle.

Kendall stayed close to his brother. To anyone who wasn't looking directly at them, the two of them would be like shadows in the background. Their shaggy black hair kept them hidden in the dark of the night.

"Fire sources?" Kendall asked quieter than before. Now that they were closer to humans, they had to keep their presence undetected. "Maybe a gas leak? Snap the oven's gas line and light a candle. Explosion should take everything out. Maybe we pour some accelerant around to make sure it burns."

Kendrick found a quick path toward the house under a few cars. As people walked by it looked like 2 black cats scurrying about.

"Nah, we gotta burn the incense. There's probably dozens somewhere if we burn them all at the same time it'll be more plausible." He said creeping across the ground stopping at the curb. A few people looked around thinking they heard something but ignored it.

Kendall looked around. "The street is too full of people," he whispered. He crawled up next to Kendrick. He sniffed. "Holy shit..." He pawed at his nose to cover it. "How much effing incense is she burning in there? I can't even think of a good metaphor to describe this stench."

Kendall scoped out the house. All the windows were lit with orange, dim light and some had candles in them. The front door didn't have a light. "I don't see a single electric light."

"She's not into modern technology just like a witch!" Kendrick whispered waiting for the street to clear. He looked at his brother and used his tiny paw to cover his nose dimming the scent. "We can go through the back, maybe through a window. She can talk to those spirits so whatever we do we have to do it quickly."

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