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Kendall saw Danny was worried about what he had done, but it was better for the boy to hear it from him rather than someone else. Before answering, Kendall stuck a turkey wing in his mouth and slipped the clean bone out of his mouth in just a few seconds. Then he grinned at his brother. "I did," I confirmed indirectly. "I heard one of them probably had some internal bleeding in the crotch area. He'll probably be limping for a while and definitely won't be using it again...probably ever. One of them I think had a...broken arm? Maybe a leg too."

Kendall saw Danny's look of horror, so he felt compelled to say more. "But it was their fault for picking the fight. They tried to gang up on a guy carrying someone else. Very rude. And a poor idea."

Danny didn't like hearing about things like that. He didn't want Kendall fighting so much. His head hung low no longer looking up at Kendall. Kendrick was grinning as his pets praised him for being so strong.

Kendra elbowed her idiot brother for upsetting her friend. He should know by now that Danny wasn't a fan of violence. "Dumb ass!" She whispered at him in a growl.

Kendrick gave his pets a few single handed rubs on their backs. Connie and Donie both made soft purring noises as Kendrick showed them affection. They ate their food happily and savored the feel of his hands on their bodies. The buzzing toys in their bodies made them moan with delight, which they masked by pretending it was for the food.

Kendall looked down at Danny with a sad look. He really needed to start paying more attention and remembering what to not say. He reached under the table to take his hand. He whispered to the boy, "I couldn't avoid the fight. Anthony wanted to take you from me and had the other players try to jump me. I wasn't going to let them have you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

"Why is it a competition though?" He whispered back to Kendall. "Why is it like you guys were trying to one up each other with.. fighting?"

Kendra just ate her food and smirked knowing her brother was just backed into a corner. The girl had a hidden joy for chaos. Especially at the expense of her brothers whom belly the need to mess with her life and teased when they felt like it. "Yeah, why is fighting so competitive between you two?"

"D-do you like to fight?" Danny asked softly for Kendrick to answer.

"Of course he does. Why else would he be breaking jaws and ribs over you?" Kendrick smirked.

Kendall snarled at his brother. "Why don't you keep your nose out of our business? I at least do it to protect somebody and not for my own ego."

Donie looked up at his master, not sure what to do. Master had hurt those boys because they had hurt him. He had been protecting him. Hadn't he? Or was it like Kendall said, and he did it because of ego, because something he owned had been damaged. He stayed quiet and nibbled on his muffin.

Connie was enjoying this conversation. Watching the twins argue was oddly arousing for her. She chewed on a turkey wing and began to wonder if Kendrick ever had Kendall join his sexual escapades. A threeway with both twins? The girl purred louder as she wiggled her hips, finding new pleasure in having two toys inside her.

Kendall ignored the other side of the table and focused on Danny. Mom didn't care what was said at the table, as long as there was no swearing and no mess was made. "I fought to protect you," he said, not answering the question. "And I don't like bullies. They got what they deserved." That answer didn't satisfy Danny at all, it made his beliefs worsen. He began to get fidgety still not looking at Kendall.

"I'm sorry my brothers are violent idiots" Kendra chined in knowing Kendall could smell the stress coming from Danny.

Kendall frowned and looked down at his plate. Danny saw him poking at his food with a fork, looking at his food with an expression of shame. He didn't want to admit it to Danny, afraid of scaring him. He did indeed like to fight. He liked proving he was stronger than everyone else. He loved the thrill of it and he was actually upset that he hadn't fought as well as he could because he had been holding Danny.

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