Muzzle 2 ⚠️

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Kendall was not expecting this. Danny liked it? Kendall wished he could let his tail out, he was sure it would be wagging like crazy. He really needed to find a way to let Danny see him like he truly was.

Danny couldn't see his lover's smile, but those cheekbones rose up and his eyes softened. Embracing his nature, Kendall got down on his hands and feet and crawled towards Danny like a beast on a hunt. The muscles on his back rose and fell around his shoulders, showing just how jacked he truly was. Pretending his claws were out, Kendall dug his fingers into the mattress and crawled up. The cold leather dragged along Danny's legs, and the boy could hear his dom sniffing and growling softly as he crawled up the boy's body.

Kendall smiled beneath his muzzle. He wished he could let his lips touch his baby's skin, but he had to show restraint. He let his hands do the touching instead, caressing his little dancer's soft and smooth legs. He crawled up and nudged the bulge in Danny's swim trucks. Kendall growled louder, angry that something was between him and that which was his.

His eyes snapped up at Danny. "Off~" he commanded with a growl.

Danny jumped a little at the growl but smiled softly. He pulled off the swim bottoms swiftly showing his leaky hardened member. It twitched in the cold air but Danny didn't touch himself. Something about the way Kendall was looking at him made him cold but also heating him from the inside. He didn't want to move without being told to and he didn't know why.

Kendall ran his hands along Danny's legs, letting his nails softly drag along his skin. The tailypo knew that if Danny understood what he was and what he could do, then he would let Kendall do everything he wanted to his body, and he could immediately heal him after. Bites could be healed as soon as his teeth were removed. Scratches and nail marks would be gone in an instant. The beast could have his fun and make love as he wanted, and Danny wouldn't have a mark on him after. If only Kendall could make Danny find the pleasure in pain like he did.

The boy growled and lowered his head again. He tried to nuzzled his cheek against Danny's hot member, but all Danny could feel was the cool leather rubbing against him. Kendall purred, a deep rumbling sound in his chest. His own shaft was pressing hard against his jockstrap, it getting painful now.

Letting go of Danny, the giant got up on his knees on the bed. The boy saw the large bulge poking out from the front of his shorts. Kendall growled louder as he looked down at Danny, his mate, but the boy also felt like his prey. He could sense the fear in Danny, the intimidation, and it made Kendall feel even more powerful. He knew Danny trusted him, they loved each other, and Danny knew Kendall wouldn't do anything to him.

Kendall kept his arms at his side and pushed his hips forward slightly. "Come," he commanded again. He wanted Danny to undress him.

Danny took a few deep breathes before moving. He slowly crawled forward to pull Kendall's shorts down. His member sprung out nearly smacking him in the face. For some reason Danny felt frozen, after Kendall was naked he sat still. Face as red as a tomato, body shaking like a leaf Danny could feel himself being drawn to Kendall. Kendall looked down at his anxious little lover and smiled. He reached down and caressed Danny's cheek with the back of his hand. He ran his fingers down Danny's cheek and under his chin. He made the small boy look up into the dom's eyes. He continued to lift him, making Danny come up to his knees.

"Mine~" Kendall purred, a twinkle of light flickering in his eyes. He wrapped his thick arm around Danny and pulled the boy's body against his own. Kendall's body was so warm and inviting. Danny could feel his fiancé's swollen member pressing against his belly, but Kendall only cared about embracing him. He wanted to make Danny feel loved. Danny was Kendall's baby, Kendall took care of him. Kendall would be everything Danny ever needed.

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