Donie's Interview?

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Donie sighed. Master had warned him that they would come for him again. Miss Laraby, his Home Economics teacher, stood up and seemed to be at a loss for words. She didn't want to refuse the agents of the FBI, but she seemed hesitant to hand over one of her students. But Donie made it easy for her.

The boy packed his things into his backpack. While leaning over his bag, he sent a message to Kendrick letting him know that they had come for him again. But now Donie knew how to handle it. He packed his bag and stood up. Thinking of his master to give him strength, he walked towards the agents with his chin up. He wouldn't let them think he was scared of them this time. He kept his eyes on Callow, not letting Dobbs scare him this time.

Agent Callow moved out of the way so the boy could walk through them. They all went together back to the same room as before. Agent Dobbs opened the door and motioned for Donie to walk inside.

"Go ahead and sit down." Agent Callow smiled as Donie did as he was told. "So, you and Kendrick. You've been spending a lot of time at his house. Your parents haven't seen you lately."

Donie had expected them to bring up his parents. But these agents clearly didn't know his parents as well as he did. Donie could have gone missing for a whole month and when he came back they would act like he'd never been missing. They trusted him to know what he was doing. Or at the very least, they were so lax with their rules that they didn't care if Donie ran away.

Donie let them try to play this game that his parents were worried. In response, Donie would give them an answer they wouldn't expect. "Did you know that knitting was initially a male-only industry?" Donie said. When he saw their confusion, he had to contain his giggles and keep a serious face. "The first knitting Union was established in 1527 in Paris and was male only. And now so many people think of knitting as something that only old women do. Don't you think that's weird?"

Donie, feeling invigorated by his time with Kendrick, didn't feel anxious at all around the agents. They couldn't force him to answer any questions. And he had the right to leave whenever he wanted. But for his own amusement, Donie was going to pretend he was the fool, a role he played very well, and just mess with them if he could. He wasn't going to give them anything.

Agent Callow began to chuckle as Agent Dobbs frowned at the boys antics. "I thought you would've come to tell us how wrong we were for accusing you of being a pet to that boy. His temper already gets him in a lot of trouble." Agent Dobbs began as he walked around the table. "There's even say that he's hurt you before. Is that true? Before you answer know we've spoken with other students."

Donie tapped his chin, acting like he was thinking. "Well there was an incident on Monday..." he waited until he saw Agent Callow lean in, interested and waiting for Donie to give him details. "There were a bunch of hicks in the second floor bathroom. I bumped into them in the hallway and they punched me. They were really mean and hurt me."

Donie turned to Dobbs and leaned in towards him. "Did you know that the little piece of plastic at the end of shoelaces is called an aglet?" Donie found Dobbs much less scary since he began teasing him with his little random facts.

"That explains the bandage placed on your face when you and Kendrick came back to the bathroom. The footage shows you two leaving and then Tommy and a few others were taken to the hospital later." Agent Dobbs said with a frown. He wasn't entertained by the antics of this boy. "So you and Daniel are close? It seems you both went after guys with a violent past."

"So, out of you and Contessa. Who's his real partner?" Agent Callow asked.

Donie knew that question was meant to rile him up. Make him doubt or question his place in the relationship with Kendrick. But Donie had no doubts about how much his master loved him. Kendrick loved him and Connie equally, that much was obvious from how much master had revealed to the two of them. He loved both his pets.

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