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Third person

Kendall smiled and nibbled at Danny's chin. "I'll have it right on the cover. I'll come and find you every chance I can and take you to your classes. I'll make sure nobody bothers you." Kendall admitted to himself that he was most likely going to abuse this power to get some kisses and ass grabbing at school, but he would at least make sure he did some good to earn it. He would keep his baby safe.

Kendall grabbed the bottle of shampoo. "Hang on to me tight. I need both hands for this," Kendall told Danny. He poured some shampoo into his hands and then started scrubbing it into the boy's hair, getting it nice and sudsy. Kendall kept his motions slow and massaged Danny's scalp.

"You're mine now, baby," Kendall purred. "I'll keep you safe from all those groping...jerks." He censored himself. He didn't want to say what he really thought about them. "Daddy will keep you safe."

Danny hummed his recital song while Kendall scrubbed his hair. The dull nails scratching his scalp felt good. He was nearly purring from the touch. A question popped into his head; though he didn't want to ruin the mood Kendall seemed like he wanted all of Danny's inquiries.

"So I wanna know, as much as I'm into it, the daddy thing. I wanna know what it's about... I like calling you that, but it sounds like something I read in Donie's fantasy messages before. Then you said something about me being too new for punishments, I've been punished before." Danny sounded like he was press offended the older male thought he was too new.

"I've gotten a whooping before, and Lori and Tiffany pinch me sometimes. And, and" he wanted to go on and on about how he was ready. How he wasn't too new to be punished.

"I doubt they've ever used sex toys as punishment," Kendall interrupted with a grin, Danny got quiet. "When I say punishment... I mean butt plugs or beads or vibrating pills," Kendall says with a growl.

"If you want me to whip your bottom... I'll be glad to do that~" The athlete took one of his hands and gave Danny a hard spank on his butt. "If you want me to focus more on your booty, I'm happy to oblige~"

Danny squeaked his ass still tender but the slap also felt good. He blushed but didn't look away. Kendall was so honest with him Danny felt like there was nothing he couldn't ask.

"And having you call me 'daddy'? Well..." Kendall blushed a little and grinned. "It's kind of a dominance thing. I like when I hear you call me that. I makes me want to do naughty things with you when you say it," he said with a chuckle.

"So. Well doesn't that mean I should stick to Kendall at school?" He asked shyly cheeks still burning. "I like calling you daddy, b-but it'll be embarrassing. Especially if we break up before you graduate" that last comment made Danny visibly sad. Though he tried to hide it Kendall could see right through his facade.

Kendall leaned in and pressed his lips to Danny's. His arms wrapped around him tight and pulled the boy against his chest. The two of them stood in their tight embrace under the warm water. Kendall didn't know why he was feeling so possessive, he never felt this way with others. Was it simply Danny's smaller size, his adorable little actions, or the way he seemed to love everything the larger dominant did to him? He didn't know, but he did know he didn't want to let him go.

"I'm not leaving you," Kendall as soon as their lips came apart. "I don't want to hear you say break up and I don't want you thinking it. I am your boyfriend. And I plan to be that for a very long time." Kendall said those words with such conviction that Danny felt like they were set in stone. Kendall didn't ever plan to leave.

"Oh daddy" he whispered with a tear falling from his eye. He kissed his again letting their tongues dance together. Kendall finished washing them both walking them out of the shower. He was able to sit Danny on the counter this time comfortably. Kendall got their towels and picked up Danny again to walk them back to his room. The smaller male was taken to the bed and gently dried off with the towel. Kendall didn't let him lift a single finger.

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