Are you scared?

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Kendrick opened his duffle bag and pulled out a large heat contained container. He brought out dinner his mom made the night before. Kendrick grabbed wet wipes and cleaned himself off before putting away is now soft member. "Get dressed" he commanded and Donie got to work. He knew getting dressed meant cleaning himself up too and the wipes were at his disposal.

When he was done Kendrick pulled the boy into his lap. He turned the buzzing down to a low tingle so Donie could eat without distractions. He opened up the container and sat back. There was enough food to feed 3 people, 5 if you split it evenly.

"Eat til your full, I'll eat the rest" Kendrick said. In the container was fried chicken, sweet potato fries, broccoli, and jalapeño cheese poppers. He went into his bag and grabbed a thermal with some juice in it, it had a gold top. Donie started to get the feeling Kendrick had planned for them to eat together.

Donie blushed even brighter red and got comfy on Kendrick's lap. His master really was the best. As violent and mean as he could get, evidenced by his beating of those boys in the bathroom, he was also sweet and kind. The boy smiled and nuzzled Kendrick just a little so show his appreciation. "My master treats me the best," he said again, truly meaning it.

Donie leaned forward over the tray and pulled out some chicken to eat. He took small bites and made sure to eat it over the tray so he didn't make any mess. Donie was always careful to keep things as clean as he could. Kendrick could feel the soft buzzing of the toy on his thigh, and the larger man could see the little bulges across Donie's shirt where the clamps still attached to him poked out.

"What kind of juice is that, master?" Donie asked softly. He chew on the sweet potato fries and moaned softly, they tasted so good. The food from Kendrick's house always tasted amazing.

"White grape" he replied going under Donie's shirt to take off the clips on his back. He put them all in a bag and put them away. Kendrick was sure to keep his toys clean no matter what. "I also have apple juice, if you wanted that instead."

The grumpy boy was relaxing. This wasn't completely out of character when dealing with someone he cared for. He also wanted to make sure Donie had plenty of good things to say when going to get Connie and training her. He knew the girl wanted him but was too intimidated to speak.

She was perfect for him.

Donie shook his head and held out his hands. "I'd like to try the white grape, please," he happily replied. When Kendrick gave him the filled thermos lid, he took a small sip. "Hmm I've never had this before. But I like it."

Donie took a piece of broccoli and chew on it. Then he grabbed a sweet potato fry out but didn't eat it. The boy blushed and turned to Kendrick. He held up the fry to him with a bashful little smile. Donie knew Kendrick wanted him to eat first, but the boy wanted the pleasure of feeding his master.

Kendrick smiled and took the fry into his mouth. He gave Donie a kiss on the cheek knowing he liked that kind of affection. The older boy knew that because of his work he couldn't have a real relationship. In the mean time he would just enjoy himself.

"So are you going to feel superior showing your buddy why you're the favorite?" Kendrick growled against Donie's ear. He reached in his bag and pulled out another Condom he took off the one Donie was wearing and putting it in a bag he would toss in the trash. He put on the new on knowing the vibrations would be turned up later.

Donie blushed and shivered at the way Kendrick touched his penis so easily. It made him feel pampered and spoiled. Kendrick even made sure to leave some extra space right at the tip to catch everything he leaked.

"I'll be sure to teach her everything you love," Donie said with a smile as he ate some broccoli and more chicken. "I'll educate, instruct, tutor, and train her. I'll still make sure I know the best ways," Donie said with a giggle.

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