Good Morning ⚠️

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Kendrick/Shea woke up before his alarm just like every other morning. Unlike every morning he turned off his loud alarm as to not wake up his pets. The large boy stretched for a moment before getting out of bed. He crawled over Connie who was still sleeping and started his push ups. Counting out loud Kendrick eventually woke up his light sleeping pet Donie.

"45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50" he counted before rolling over to his back and starting a set of sit ups.

Donie laid on his stomach and watch his master do his workout. He was so virile and strong. He felt himself getting all tingly just watching. He poked Connie, wanting her to wake up. When the girl rolled over to try and stay in her world of slumber, Donie became more motivated to wake her. He pinched her on the butt.

"OI!" She sat up and barked. She looked around and saw Donie giggling.

"Morning~" he said with a smile then he went back to watching master. After a few seconds, Connie was laying down next to him and watching too. She gave him a well deserved nudge which only made him giggle again. Then they kept watching master show off his god-like body.

In the next room, Kendall was sitting on the floor with Danny. The giant was taking short, sharp breaths as he tried to spread his legs open. Though the look of discomfort and pain made it clear he wasn't enjoying this stretching routine very much.

"Okay..." he said with a grunt, looking at his boyfriend who was doing a perfect split. "How long did it take you before you could do this?"

Danny giggle laying on the floor with his body stretched out. He was happy that Kendall decided to stretch with him this morning.

"I've been people go from no split to full split in a month." He said turning his body to stretch his back. Danny got up from the door to bend over in front of Kendall and look all the way under his legs. He reached through for Kendall to pull and see his darling folded in half. With a little shake of the hips Kendall noticed Danny didn't have any complaints about last nights adventures. His body wasn't stiff or sore in any way.

Just in the room over Kendrick got up and yanked off his pants to walk his naked body over to his pets. "Let's see who has the best way of saying good morning" he growled in a smirk.

The duo eagerly hopped off the bed, both of them naked, and came to kneel at Kendrick's feet. Both clearly wanted to be first but Donie moved in before Connie.

Donie looked at Connie with a sassy smile. "You got first last time. And I'm favorite after all~" The big said with a smirk.

The boy wasted no time and immediately took his master's meat into his mouth. Saliva quickly pooled up in his mouth and started running down the length of his shaft. In seconds he was already bobbing up and down on half of master's length and was quickly moving down further.

Connie wouldn't just sit and wait. She moved around Donie and leaned her head in under master's cock. Kendrick felt his breeder sucking on his balls tenderly while Donie worked the shaft. Both of them were rubbing the giant dom's legs and abs with their hands.

Kendall had abandoned his attempt to conquer the splits, not thinking he would ever need it, and instead went to work conquering Danny. The giant had gotten jealous and grabbed his baby's hips and pulled him closer. Now Danny was doing his stretches while Kendall had his face in his ass. The giant growled with delight as he tongued his beautiful boy's hole.

Kendra sat in her bed not waiting to get up. She knew her friends were in her brothers rooms. It didn't really bother her being that it was expected at this point, especially from Shea. She rolled her eyes going into her closet to pick out today's outfit. She remembered Danny didn't have any clothes here and her brother didn't take him to get any. So she decided to pull out an outfit for him with another tulle skirt since her shorts hugged him a little too much for school. She left her room and put the hook on the door and gave it a light knock.

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