Try Again

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Shawn smiled and nuzzled his brother, happy this wouldn't divide them. Their bond was too special for something like this to really split them apart. But for the sake of one last laugh, Shawn gave his brother one big lick right on the face before yipping with delight and chasing after mother.

Shadia looked at her brother's slobber covered face and shook her head. "I ain't cleaning you up," she said and walked away.

Shea ran after his brother and the two of them jumped teasing each other into a fight. He made sure to only play lightly knowing Danny was resting on Shawn's back. Though he also knew that a 2 tailed tailypo would be able to keep Danny safe.

Shea ran to their mother pushing against her hand. She giggled at her sticky baby and cleaned him up. Shea licked his mother's hand before going back to running with his sibling.

Shawn barked and laughed as he chased after Shea, keeping his lover held tight on his back. He tried to nip his brother on the back legs and jumped away each time Shea almost got him. Shawn couldn't explain this strange new energy he felt. It was easy for him to run and jump, it took barely any energy to do those things, but now it was like he could do it with barely a thought. He thought about jumping and he was already in the air, and his legs didn't even feel like they'd done it. He was simply glad that the two of them were still the same size.

Seeing Shadia walking ahead of them, not playing with them, Shawn got an idea. When Shea came after him again, Shawn caught him and bumped him with his head. He nodded his head at their sister and smiled, hoping his brother caught on. They could both catch her unaware and try and get her to play with them. Shea nodded his head looking at their little sister. Shadia walked ahead of everyone heading back home. Her head held high looking pris and proper. Shea walked behind her copying her style of uppity walking. The girl turned and saw her brother copying her and attempted to ignore him.

"I'm Shadia, I'm so proper when im in my true form" Shea teased his sister making her turn and growl at him. "Oh yea princess? Bring it." He edged on making her pounce in his direction. The two began chasing one another making Shea double back allowing Shawn to join in. Shawn barked and joined in, bumping into Shadia from behind. He tried to nip at his sister to keep her in the game, but also let her know it was only fun. When he had the chance, he chased after Shea and gave his brother a few nips when he could.

The three never let themselves get too far from their parents. Their father always stayed right by their mother's side. She pet his head and let him lick her cheek and nuzzle against her. Without mother being with him, their father would be going on an endless rampage like Shawn had been on tonight. She was the only thing that kept him calm. And his limitless energy helped to keep mother energized and able to survive outside of the home. In a way, he was her home away from home.

The family made it home with the children playing the entire way. Shadia had gotten her revenge nips on her brothers. Their mother opened the front door letting all the beasts in. They all sat at the door waiting for their mother's direction.

"I'm going to start our last dinner here, go pack up your things. Tell your pets to be ready, I'll allow you to take your cars. Just be sure to change them," she instructed as she walked toward the kitchen. "Go on, see you within the hour."

As Shadia and Shea went upstairs, Shawn stayed seated by the front door. His mother could see that Shawn was anxious about something again. He had driven off with car to find Danny, but he had never come back with it. He didn't say or make any noises as she went into the house. He had left his car behind and he couldn't go and try to get it now. Shawn accepted that as a small punishment for everything he had done tonight.

The tailypo slowly walked into the house. He shifted from his monster form back into a human so he could fit through. His black shirt and pants reappeared, Danny was still laying across his back. Shawn reach back to support Danny under his butt. Going up to his room, he knew he'd have a lot to back for his baby. Luckily, being able to shrink things meant they could pack all their luggage right into their pockets.

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