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Kendall frowned and sat up straight. He scooted closer to Danny and looked him over. "What's wrong?" He whispered. "Are you choking? Do you need the Heimlich?"

Kendrick and his pets looked up, hearing the strange conversation. Donie looked at his best friend with concern. Danny was pointing at his throat, but he wasn't saying anything to explain why. He wanted to ask if his friend was okay, but he felt like the eye's of the houses matriarch were still watching them all. So he said nothing and simply watched and hoped Danny was okay.

Danny didn't move he just shook his head and covered his throat. He looked down at himself in fear. He pointed to his mouth and opened it trying to talk but nothing came out. Kendrick looked at Danny making his pets get worried that their master was paying attention to him. Though their master looked at his mother next then back at his food. Even Kendrick wasn't going to say anything this morning, not after nearly disappointing his mother with his antics.

"Why can't I talk?!" Danny thought to himself. "I don't feel any different but just voice won't come out." The frightened boy reached over and grabbed Kendall's arm sniffling. He didn't want to think he was sick or anything then he would have to go home. Danny shook his head quickly and kept trying to talk to himself but nothing was coming out.

Kendall sat there, understanding what the boy was trying to tell him but not sure what to do. He reached up and pet Danny's head. "It's... It's okay, baby," he whispered, keeping his voice low. "Maybe you're just tired. It's nothing serious, I promise." Danny saw concern in his boyfriend's eyes, but the giant still smiled like everything was okay.

Kendall leaned in and kissed Danny on the forehead. He looked over the boy's head and looked at Kendra. She knew what he did, and Kendrick knew it too. Kendall could do nothing for Danny except try to keep him calm at the table. Kendall put an arm around Danny and hugged him close.

"Just relax, Danny," Kendall said with a calming voice. "You'll be fine. Just give it some time. Trust me. "

Kendall didn't know what else to say. He couldn't explain why this was happening to the boy. He turned and went back to eating, keeping Danny hugged against his side. The giant looked up at his mom and gave her a smile. "Breakfast is delicious, mom," he said, others around the table nodded their head in agreement.

Their mother went from her scowl to a bright smile again as if nothing ever happened. "I'm glad you all enjoy it, now hurry and finish you all have school to get to."

"Yes, ma'am" Danny actually spoke out and said. He was happy his voice was back but he was still terrified about where it had gone. He decided not to say another word only to continue to pick at the fruit on the plate.

Kendra chewed her lip as she walked to put her plate in the sink. Her brothers could feel the anxiety seeping out of her veins and knew what to expect next. Her friends were officially in danger and she couldn't figure out rather she wanted to help them or not. More so, whether she would be allowed to help them or not.

Kendall stuffed food into his mouth, trying to eat faster than normal. If mom asked why, he'd say he didn't want to be late to school. Staying home and playing hooky wasn't a good idea anymore. Kendall looked up at and found Kendrick staring back at him. They were both thinking the same thing. Home didn't feel safe anymore, not for their partners.

The twins finished eating up their food quickly. They were the ones mother would be watching. Kendall knew Danny didn't eat much, so he'd be ready to go as soon as he was. Kendrick knew his pets would come as soon as he ordered them too, regardless of whether they finished. They both knew that they needed to get to school and get back to their routine, but Kendall felt a greater pressure on himself. He had already been falling behind on his work. With this incident, mother would want him to start putting in more effort.

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