Get Cute

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Third person from this point on...

"Kendall... Kendall!"

Kendall turned his head as Greg shouted at him. Kendall glanced once more at the cheerleaders. He looked at the one who had groped Danny and felt his eye twitch. He nodded at Greg to tell him he was okay.

Franklin ran over to Kendall happy. "Hey man. Thanks for letting me get some redemption after losing that ball," he said with smile. This wasn't the new guy's first goal in a game, but he was still trying to establish himself on the team. So this was important for him.

The taller boy smiled and nodded. "Don't sweat it. That was a good kick. Keep it up," Kendall said back as they got back to running.

As the game resumed, it was more back and forth with the ball. Jelly was an amazing goalkeeper and didn't let anything in. Every blocked kick got a loud cheer for him and the show off liked to give the crowd a bow once the ball wasn't near.

Kendall was staying close to the side of the pitch near the cheerleaders. Danny was able to get a good look at the tall boy as he moved, his jersey sticking to his sweaty body and his hair whipped back from running. It looked like Kendall was constantly looking at the dancers, but not at Danny, he was looking at someone else.

Soon, the perfect opportunity came up. One of Dale's players had the ball and was running along the side near the Richard High cheerleaders. Kendall paused for a just a second, he needed to time this perfectly. As the Dale boy ran past midfield, Kendall bolted towards him. When the moment was right and the angle was perfect, Kendall kicked at the ball to get it away from his opponent. But the ball didn't go where it should have for a proper steal.

Kendall kicked the ball straight at the cheerleader's line. The ball flew like a missile and nailed Mickey right in the groin. The ref blew his whistle and the crowd all made surprised noises. None of them could believe what just happened. The refs began arguing to decide what kind of penalty Kendall should get, since he didn't kick it at another player, had it been some kind of targeting? The crowd all wondered how the star athlete could make such a mistake and they looked at the male cheerleader who was on the ground.

But only a few people were looking at Kendall. Danny had the best angle to see his face. And the look Kendall had was one of pride in what he had done. Had he meant to do that on purpose?

Danny gasped at the sudden attack he had pulled Lori out of the way afraid she was going to be hit. When he saw how accurately the ball hit Mickey, Danny knew it was done purposely. He looked over at Kendall and smiled nonverbally thanking him again.

"I think 6'8 just hit Mickey on purpose" he whispered to Lori, she turned to him giggling.

"I think he likes you, second save this week. He totally likes you!" Lori said cheerfully Kendra skipped over to smirk at him as well.

"My brother totally likes you," she said doing a little dance to bump him. "Look he's over there getting chewed out for protecting you. Show some gratitude." Danny fidgeted and blushed looking over at Kendall getting chewed out by the ref. He couldn't help but give the star player a little wave.

Kendall argued with the ref, "I was only been trying to get the ball away and I had come in a bit too aggressive. I never meant to hit that guy and certainly not in his balls. I would never stoop to hitting a man below the belt. It was an accident!"

Some of the crowd were calling it a targeted hit and wanted him ejected, mostly fans of the away team. More people called for the game to start again. Some people were flat out laughing at the way the boy rolled on the ground. The medical team wasn't sure if they were allowed to help.

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