Seek & Destroy

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After dropping off Danny with his parents so that he could spend some time with his family, Kendall started his real mission for the day. He had told his mother he was doing work, and he was, but she would expect him to bring home a snack for her. So he'd have to do that after he finished with this.

Kendall had parked his car at the movie theater, leaving the FBI agents watching him to think he was going to be there for the next few hours. He slipped out of the cinema in his small beast form and ran away a few miles before changing back to human. Using his phone, he found the police impound lot and made his way there. He needed to go and correct a mistake he had made.

Thinking that his family was getting too much attention for the disappearances, Kendall had made a decision to try and cover up Charlie Barber's disappearance. Instead of destroying the boy's car, he had driven it away and parked it at the train station. He tried to set up evidence that Charlie had gotten on a train and run away. But now, if mother found out that he had broken her rules for disposal of evidence, he would surely lose Danny. He needed to sneak in and destroy the car before mother found it. Kendall had made sure he left no evidence of himself, but it was too much of a risk with his mother's strict rules.

Kendall checked his phone. The impound was a few blocks away. Finding a good hiding spot, Kendall became a small cat once again. He walked towards the police compound to scout it out and find the best way to get in.

Outside the squad room there were officers all over the place. Walking around outside going in and out of cars, loading and unloading people. A large truck that wasn't a police car came in attached to a toe truck and pulled it behind a gate. The gate closed behind it but Kendall could understand that may be the direction he should go in but there was no covering. He would have to go inside the building and find his way around. Using his mother's eyes looking through the walls; he could see someone taking inmate photos, several people collecting items, a few white doors with small glasses. Further back he could see groups of people sitting in holding, an officer heading toward a back room with someone, and another walking down a hall.

"I should have just destroyed the car..." Kendall let out a deep sigh and shook his head. All this trouble he had made for himself, he was regretting his decisions and learned that it was best to just follow his mother's rules.

Staying small, he looked through the gate and into the impound lot. He couldn't see Charlie's car, the lot was too big to see every car in it. But he looked at the side of the police building. He looked for a door leading inside. If he knew where the door was, then he'd know how far into the building he'd have to go to get into the lot.

He spotted the door, further to the back of the building. That meant he'd have to get past the processing area for people being brought in and get to where only the officers could go. That meant he was going to have to use a skill that he really didn't like to use, despite it being the most useful. Most of his mother's powers he could use without too much difficulty. But to use this particular one was as much of a struggle as Kendrick had using these powers. He could only use it for a short amount of time.

Kendall ran toward the bush next tot he sliding door, once someone walked pass and the door opened he followed. Like a shadow he stayed low and kept his placement in crouched areas. Under chairs, desks, and scattering by people who weren't paying attention Kendall made his way under the chair of a Sargent.

More footsteps came in and Kendall could smell the agents coming in, the door shut.

"What's the update on the case?" The Sargent asked the agents. "Is there anything we can do to keep this town safe?"

Kendall crawled forward a little. He stayed in the shadow under the chair and peeked up. He saw the female agent Mackinaw and agent Callow was behind her. Dobbs wasn't here.

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