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Kendall got home and walked in practically skipping. Today had been incredible, perhaps the best of his life. He and Danny had spent a few hours skating at the ice rink, spinning around with Danny in his arms and watching his boy dance on the ice like graceful swan. Then they had gotten some dinner at a little pizza joint. Danny didn't eat much but they had gotten to cuddle up like a proper couple in the booth. And the snuggling continued through the movie. They decided to save meeting his mom for tomorrow being Danny started to get more and more nervous as it got later in the day.

Kendall chuckled as he went up to his room. He didn't have a clue what the movie had been about. All he had done was hold Danny in his lap and cuddled him and talked with him quietly. Afterwards he had dropped off Danny at home, where Lori helped sneak him in without being seen. But Kendall had rushed back and pulled in Danny for one more good night kiss. That was, perhaps, the greatest kiss, Kendall had ever had.

The athlete stripped down and laid back on his bed with a smile. He laid his hand over his chest and still felt the pulsing of his blood. He felt so warm and free. He had never had a real boyfriend. Never had someone who he could feel normal around. Someone who he didn't have to play a role around. Not as a captain, or team leader, or whatever else. He could be himself around Danny. And Kendall already missed him. He had thought about asking Danny to come home with him, but he wanted today to end like a proper first date. He didn't want to make Danny a fuckbuddy that he just took out occasionally to make up for sex. He wanted to make this real and he hoped Danny wanted it too.

Kendall crawled into bed and grabbed a few pillows and held them in his arms. He nuzzled into them and closed his eyes, imagining a cute little boy with white hair. The man smiled as he drifted off to sleep thinking of tomorrow. He was excited already to go see him again.

Kendall felt like he had just laid his head down for sleep when it suddenly popped up and it was morning. Had he even slept? He must have. Another dreamless sleep.

"Damn," Kendall grumbled. "I had hoped I'd at least have him in my dreams."

After taking a quick shower, he got dressed in some stained shorts and old t-shirt. Danny had sad today was a "clean up" day. He didn't know what that meant, but clean up usually meant dirty. So best not to wear good clothes. He grabbed some swimtrunks too and put them in his travel bag.

Kendall hopped down the stairs and headed for the dining room. Mom always made big breakfasts for Sunday. "Good morning everybody. Sorry for missing din..."

Kendall stopped short when he saw Donie at the table next to Kendrick. The boy's neck and arms were covered in bruises, bite marks, and hickeys. But the most obvious thing was the black collar with the golden K on it. "Is this some sort of jealousy thing, Kendrick? I go out with Danny so you grab his best friend to make your new pet?" Kendall growled as he took a seat on the other side of the table. "If you treat him like the others, it'll make things difficult for me. But I know you already know that."

Kendrick ate his waffles and smirked at his brother. He honestly didn't give a shit about how difficult things might be for Kendall. Donie was his slave and he spent countless hours training him in commands and his list of do's and dont's.

"Does it look like that's my problem?" Kendrick growled at his brother. "And there's nothing to be jealous about, you got a prissy little virgin. While I have a true cockslut," he reached down giving Donie a caress on the cheek.

"I treat him exactly how I treat the others, nothing in my plans will change." Kendrick went down and grabbed Donie by his nipple that still had the clamp on it he was told to sleep with it on. "Tell my brother your honest opinion on my treatment towards you my little slut."

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