Virginity 2 ⚠️

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Third Person

Kendall was snarling at the interruption and was ready to go out there and beat someone's ass. He wouldn't hurt Tiffany, but he wanted to right now.

The bigger male turned his head and stared at the door. "If you don't want to hear us than put the stereo by the door yourself! We're a little preoccupied in here!" he barked at the door. "And tell Donie that Kendrick can go eat his own dick if he thinks he's that good."

Kendall turned back to Danny and leaned himself over to lay on top of him. He wrapped his arms under the boy to pull him into an awkward hug. Danny's legs were in the way, but Kendall was able to make the boy's head come and bump against his. The giant smiled at the nervous looking boy and rubbed their noses together. "Forget about them. They're just jealous of us. We're in here, enjoying our time together. Having a moment better than anything they've ever had. Do you want to keep going, babe?"

They could hear Tiffany laughing as she walked away. Danny was completely embarrassed hiding his face back into his hands again. He knew his friend would do something like that, he's even done it to Lori. Having it done to him, during his first time was a little much.

With all of those feelings he looked up at Kendall and wrapped his arms back around his neck. Taking his own nibble of his neck and chest. In a split second of remembrance Danny opened his mouth and bit down on Kendall's neck. It was hard being that he didn't know when to stop but it was perfect for the athlete. "Hard enough to draw a little blood or not at all." Was Kendall's motto.

Kendall's eyes popped open and he made a sharp hissing noises. Danny could feel the thick cock buried inside of him throb hard.

"Oh now he's done it!" Kendall thought before pouncing on Danny.

"Danny~" he growled loudly. "Such a naughty boy!~" Kendall's hands grabbed Danny's ass and lifted it higher. The giant, on his knees for support, started pumping into the boy without reserve. The bite had set him off and now he was going wild. He had only the barest amount of control. He held onto Danny's body as he thrust into him faster, his hips slapping against the boy with enough force to make his whole body shake.

Kendall didn't feel like he could hold back any longer. If he was hurting Danny, he needed the boy to say. Otherwise, he wouldn't stop.

Danny was just screaming being thrown so far in ecstasy. He felt his hole squishing, sucking in Kendall deeper inside. His hands kept slipping from the grasp making him scratch at the athlete even more.

"Uhngh~ daddy! Awhn~!!" No other words left the dancer's mouth. His face was bright red eyes filled with pleasurable tears. His hole tightened around Kendall as he came yet again. "Oh fuck how long does it last?~" he moaned still being thrusted into.

His ass was feeling so good and his sweet spot was being smashed. Danny dropped his arms gripping the cheers again but both of them could see the blood under his nails. Kendall knew his back was messed up by the pleasuring sting of the open wounds.

"As long as I want to hear you scream my name~" Kendall growled. He tightened his grip on Danny's waist and started pulling the boy into his thrusts, making his hips clap hard against his lover's ass. Kendall felt some kind of liquid splattering against his legs. Maybe it was sweat, maybe it was Danny's seed leaking around his waist from his latest ejaculation. Or it could be his own fluids leaking out of the boy's hole.

"Keep calling me daddy, baby~" Kendall commanded. He slid his  hands down and squeezed Danny's cheeks hard before sliding his hands along his back. "Come here, cutie," he growled. He wrapped his arms around the boy and lifted him off the bed. Now Danny was being held up in the air while Kendall thrusted straight up into him.

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