Breakfast Banter

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That made the giant boy whine. He wanted to stay. He wanted to have a second round with Danny, a nice long round. Danny was right, they would be late, and that would make mother angry. And angry mother meant Danny would suffer.

With a long and pained sigh, Kendall took his hands away. He slid them up and held the boy by his waist instead. Kendall smiled up at his lover, but Danny could see the fierce desire in his eyes. "Then I better rinse off so we can go get breakfast."

Danny giggled and slid back off of Kendall's lap to rinse himself in the water. Once he was all done he watched his lover do the same. Danny opened the shower door letting in the crisp cool air. The steam from the shower filled the bathroom as he stepped out to grab some towels. Sadly they were placed high up making the boy try and use his tippy toes to reach them. Still no luck as he reached and struggled getting colder by the second.

Kendall couldn't help by watch Danny for a moment. The display was just too cute. Seeing his little loverboy trying to reach up and get the towels was so adorable. But he saw Danny shivering and decided he had to act.

The giant came over and easily grabbed two of the towels. He dropped one on the counter and opened up the other. He wrapped it around his small, shivering fiancé to dry him off and warm him up. Compared to Danny, the towel which was the perfect size for Kendall, looked like a large cape that nearly reach from shoulder to floor on the short end. Kendall wrapped him up and started rubbing the towel against him to dry him off.

Danny chattered his teeth in a smile feeling calm in the warm towel. He turned holding the towel closer to walk away and do a little dance. He used the cloth to cover his privates but shook his hips hard enough Kendall could see the press through the towel. He skipped over to the sink to grab his toothbrush and let the towel fall now that his body was dry. The bathroom was warmed up from the steam released. Danny started prepping his toothbrush still wiggling his body.

Kendall wiped himself dry with the second towel while watching his little dancer prance around the bathroom. He was sure Kendra would come knocking soon to get her turn, but they still had this moment together.

The giant walked over and wrapped his towel around his waist. His hard on was still bulging up in the front, and the soft tickling sensation of the towel's fabric against the sensitive head was making him shiver and more in need. Kendall came up behind Danny and leaned down to wrap his arms around him. Kendall hugged his lover tight, and Danny could feel the bulge pressed against his back.

"I want every morning for the rest of our lives to be like this," Kendall said softly. "The two of us, having a lovely shower, and me getting to hold you the whole time."

Danny put his toothbrush in his mouth and squeaked as Kendall grabbed him. His smile turned to the giant as he began his brushing. With a sudsy smile Danny reached up with one arm to hug Kendall. He turned back to keep brushing before holding the toothbrush in his mouth to prep Kendall's. Once it was ready he turned again to push the brush into Kendall's mouth and began brushing his teeth for him.

Kendall blushed a little. Now this was true pampering. He gave Danny a big smile and showed all his teeth so Danny could brush them. As he looked down at the boy, Kendall felt his chest going through waves of getting tight and feeling relaxed, butterflies were going wild in his stomach, and his legs were starting to feel like jelly. Was this what love really felt like, feeling weak and strong at the same time? Not knowing what to do when being so close to them? He wondered if dad felt this way when he was around mom.

Danny caught Kendall staring at him. But not with lust or his usual desire. This look was softer, more at ease. Kendall looked at him as if he were a piece of art. Every detail, no matter how tiny, was something worthy of being stared at and studied. Every shade and difference in color was beautiful and stunning. It was so beautiful that he wanted to touch it but was afraid to ruin it if he did. He wanted to preserve it, keeping it as beautiful as it is for all time.

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