In The Middle of Class ⚠️

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Kendall took Danny's hand and quickly walked him away towards his chair. He always had to sit in the back of classes or off to the sides so that his height didn't get in other people's way. So he led Danny to edge of class next to the windows and went to the second seat from the back.

Danny could see Charlie sitting in the middle of the room. His eyes followed Danny's movements with the same kind of stalker obsession as Anthony. Kendall sat down in his seat and pushed his chair away from his desk. Then he took Danny and put the boy on his lap, but kept him facing the window. He knew everyone was staring at Danny and he didn't want the boy to see all of them. He kept a hand on Danny's lap to try and reassure him that he was safe.

Danny laid on Kendall's chest not looking at the classroom around him. The teacher said something about the problems on the board but Danny was still panicked. He couldn't understand why people couldn't just leave him alone.

Charlie was looking at them smirking at Kendall. "MR. BARBER EYES FORWARD!" Mr. Quill snapped at him making the boys head turn. Danny whimpered softly not drawing any attention to himself.

"I'm sorry, you've been skipping class. You do so much for me" Danny whispered.

Kendall kissed Danny's cheek and pulled the boy closer. He made the boy rest his head on the giant's chest. "Classes are fine," Kendall whispered back. "I'll pass those classes. But you are more important."

Kendall glared at Charlie. He needed to do something to get rid of this boy. He had a feeling that Charlie might be stupid enough to challenge Kendall for Danny. And Kendall would have no issue putting his ass down. He kept his eye on his boyfriend's stalker through class.

Charlie for the most part minded his manners. He finished his work and only looked back occasionally to see if Danny was looking forward. Danny didn't move, he kept his face inside of Kendall's chest and stayed quiet. He let Kendall work with him on his lap, Danny was pleasantly surprised the teacher let him stay on his boyfriends lap.

"Alright pass out these work sheets." Mr. Quill said handing a stack of papers to a girl sitting in front. She got up giving everyone a worksheet to complete. When she made it to the back she saw Danny just looking down at the floor not moving an inch. She handed Kendall a paper and then squatted down to see Danny's face. He gasped a little from her popping out of no where but he smiled back when he saw her do it.

"You look really pretty" she complimented before standing up to go back to her seat. "Totally rockin' that skirt."

Kendall smiled at the girl. He was glad someone else was giving Danny some support. The boy needed to hear that kind of support from more people, and from people who he wasn't scared of. He wanted Danny to feel good.

Kendall leaned down and nuzzled into Danny's hair. "Told you~" the athlete whispered to Danny. "You look great."

Kendall got out his pen and started to work on his sheet. He kept glancing over at Charlie. He was surprised that the stalker boy was so controlled. He had expected to have to knock Charlie out. He would have to talk to him later.

Danny smiled to himself snuggling into Kendall's chest even more. The comment did feel good it made him rub the front of his skirt. He pulled out his phone and put in an earbud for both of them. He played random love songs from his playlist.

"Thank you daddy" Danny whispered directly into his ear somewhat teasing his boyfriend.

Kendall smirked and felt his cheeks get warm. He liked when Danny called him that. It made him want to forget about everything else and only focus on him.

The giant put one arm around Danny's waist and held him close while he continued working on his sheet. Danny could hear his boyfriend humming along with the songs playing in his ear. And every now and then, Kendall leaned down and nibbled Danny's neck and ears.

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