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Before going to the basement to meet his mother for training, Kendall decided to make a pit stop. He was feeling a little pecking. Stopping by the kitchen, he quickly swallowed down some fruit and snacks mom left out for him. He grabbed some protein bars and shoved them in his pockets, and then he headed for the secret door that led to the lower level.

Mother hadn't told him in which room he was going to do this training. There was a room which had been repurposed as a cage room to contain anyone who was going on a rampage. Hopefully mother's training wouldn't need him to go in there. Her full powers were still a mystery to him, and whenever she used them to teach the boys, they could have unexpected results. They had needed cages for him and Kendrick before.

The dark blue door was left open. Kendall had thrown that intruding photographer boy in there on Thursday. He couldn't remember if mom had said she'd fed on him yet. Stepping into the room, Kendall found the human still there and still alive. He sat in the middle of the room, his legs crossed and his head bowed down in a submissive position. The boy looked weak. Two days in a dark room without food or water, sitting alone in a room.

Kendall, smiled at the boy. "Hey there Christian." Kendall growled and let his fangs come out, his eyes shifting color. He still felt the anger and shame from the human invading his home and that he hadn't noticed sooner. "Or was it Chad? All you little humans are so hard to tell apart."

Chad didn't say a word he just kept his head down. Mrs.Richardson walked around the boy and started to pet him on the head. Standing in front of Chad she made a purple whip like smoke from her finger. It swirled around the boy making him tremble.

"Start by relaxing them, it'll make it easier to guide yourself through their tunnels" his mother instructed before the smoke went through Chad's eyes. The boys head jerked upward as his pupils were wiped of all color. Mrs. Richardson stepped away from the boy for Kendall to see him staring at nothing. His eyes were a storm grey dazing toward Kendall.

"Now you have room to wander and implant what you will" she informed.

Kendall held out his hand. He tried to make similar smoke appear, but he didn't know how his mother had done it, so he wasn't able. He tried to manipulate the energy in his body, like he had done when he pushed some into Danny, but the difficulty was in making the energy do something specific. Thinking calming thoughts, he tried to make some of the purple smoke. All he got was a little fart like puff of blue mist that disappeared immediately.

Kendall grumbled. "I'll work on that later..."

Stepping forward and kneeling in front of Chad, Kendall looked into the boy's dull and empty eyes. "Something believable... Something that makes sense..." Kendall whispered to himself, trying to think of something. The giant put his hand on Chad's head. He again tried to push his energy into Chad and force it to do what he wanted. Kendall had shown the boy his true face, maybe he could work with that first.

"When you look at me..." Kendall said quietly. "You do not see Kendall. You see... A wolf. The big bad wolf." Kendall smirked a little. He tried to imagine himself as Chad, looking through his eyes and seeing Kendall's face. Now he made that image change. Kendall didn't look like Kendall, Kendall looked like the beast. "You will always see me as the beast."

Kendall's mother could see her son simply trying to force his thoughts into the victim's head. Kendall wasn't trying to slip in an idea, he was throwing a brick at it and hoping it stuck. Kendall's mother waved her arm hitting her son with a green wall of energy. The boy smacked against the wall and slid down in pain.

"ALTER!" She shouted at him turning to fold her arm. "This is not a cartoon. You are not a wolf! The smart thing to do would be to make him believe he was invited here instead of here causing trouble! Don't be an idiot!"

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