New Pet ⚠️

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Kendrick calmly walked to his black Mercedes Benz with blood red interior after the bell rang. He began putting away his bag and pulling off his shirt. He hated wearing clothes, well at all really, so he preferred driving shirtless. The grumpy looking twin was waiting for his favorite slave to being his new play mate.

Donie smiled as he walked with Connie out of class. "I promise you girl, he wanted me to bring you."

The girl was playing with the silver streak in her hair. She was hesitant about this. Kendrick wanted her? Wanted her as...what? The story around school was that Donie was like a sex toy for the Richardson twin. Would she be that for him too? Was she... Was she okay with that? She pondered that question as she was led by the boy toy out to the parking lot.

Connie continue to play with her bangs as she stayed next to Donie. She was ready to run if something smelled off. She had a pocket knife, she might be able to get a good hit on anyone who tried to hurt her before they grabbed her. Momma didn't raise her to be a fool. She knew anybody could be a threat. And she'd be damned before she became a victim to any piece of shit.

Donie smiled and walked towards the Mercedes he knew was his master's. "There he is," Donie said to Connie. And he saw that she finally was starting to believe him. Only the Richardson twins came to school in cars that expensive. Nobody dared to touch them. "Are you ready to go meet him?"

Connie tightened her grip on her backpack. She debated on running away. But she had wanted to try and get with Kendrick since they met on the Track team. He was a beast of a man, but she had seen him be kind when he thought nobody saw. He did have a good side, she was sure though she needed to decide what she wanted. First she had to jump in and see what was offered so she nodded her head. Donie led her up to the passenger door. She stood there, waiting for something to happen.

"Very good pet" Kendrick praised walking over to give Donie a kiss on the forehead. The gruff twin have Connie a seductive smile and bent his finger telling her to come closer. After she was close enough Kendrick pulled her in and pushed her back against the car. He didn't put and hands on her body he only uses his arms to block her from leaving. "I know what you think you want" he growled into her ear. His hot breath hitting her neck making her sweat. "But do you even know what I could give you?"

Connie shivered. She had never been this close to the twin she had a crush on. How could nobody else tell the difference between these two? Kendrick and Kendall were so different to her eyes. And Kendrick...

"I...have an idea," she said quietly, trying to not let herself be overwhelmed by the tall man's aura. He radiated power and confidence, he knew his own power and he knew how to wield it. "Donie's given me an idea of...of what you can do and...what you want from me."

Kendrick could tell that Connie wouldn't be easy to break. She was stubborn and confident in herself. But he could also tell how much she wanted it. Her pale cheeks were bright red, she was breathing faster, her eyes were fixed on him, and the vein in her neck bulged as his pulse quickened. She wanted him, she was as hormonal and needy as any other teen, and her eyes were locked on the giant in front of her. But she was trying her best to hide it.

Kendrick chuckled at her strength but also admired it. She definitely wouldn't be easy but she would be fun. "So, you've been around every corner looking for me. I know you have, now it's time to decide if you're going to get on this ride with him." Kendrick was just excluding sexual tension toward Connie. He pressed his lower chest against her breasts.

Connie couldn't stop her cheeks from blushing, but Kendrick saw a fire in her eyes. As much as she may want it, she wouldn't give in without a fight. The girl pushed herself forward off the car, pressing her chest harder against Kendrick. She wasn't able to move the giant figure, but she could at least try to demonstrate she wouldn't be so easily held down. She stared up into Kendrick's eyes and smirked. "I'll come along for the ride. I'll see if it's as good as Donie claims."

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