Make A Little Art

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The voice behind Danny made the boy jump. Leaning down to eye level, Kendall's nose bumped Danny's glasses as he spun around to face his boyfriend. Where had he come from? Danny was sure he had looked this way and didn't see him. Or had he?

Kendall smirked and planted a kiss on Danny's nose. "Did I scare you?"

Danny took off his glasses and put them away not wanting his nose to look big. He blushed pushing his hair behind his ear a bit. "A little..." the boy confessed before going in for a hug. "I have practice after school. Do you have practice too?"

Donie and Sarah giggled walking away from the couple. They loved seeing the little Daniel being protected and hopelessly in love.

"I do," Kendall answered. He wrapped his arms around the small boy and lifted him up into the air, letting Danny's feet dangle. He had to remember that Danny was fragile and he couldn't hug him too tight. "I have to be out on the field right after class. Will you come and cheer for me after your dance practice?"

"Of course I will. I'll even stay in my practice clothes for you" Danny whispered a bit bumping his nose against the giant. He moved in for a soft kiss getting some oooo's and laughs from those around them. "Last class. I can't wait until it's over."

Kendall purred at the idea of Danny in his uniform. "Don't tease me, koala~" The big man carried his boyfriend through the halls, taking him to his class. "You know... You could skip your class and come to mine~" Kendall thought about it. "Or maybe I could skip mine... Statistics sucks."

"You would skip class for me?" Danny asked to receive a nod from Kendall. "I want you to come to my class. I wanna just stay with you will Tiffany does my work for this class."

Kendall smiled and nuzzled into Danny's neck. He kissed and sucked on the boy's throat. Danny felt a tongue drag along his skin. "I'll stay with you as long as you like. I can try to not be too handsy, if that's what you wish."

"Mmmph~" Danny whimpered in a quiet moan. He pulled back a little but the tongue on him made him squirm in Kendall's arms. Danny felt his skin tingling like it did when they had his first time.

"So umm... Where are we going?" Kendall chuckled. He nibbled Danny's neck. "I forget what your last class is."

"I have art" Danny said softly trying to catch his breath from his flushed face. "I know the teacher is really nice but I don't know if she'll let you stay. She might."

"We can always ask nicely." Kendall smirked and carried Danny down the stairs to the first floor of the school to take him towards the art classes.

Wanting to tease him a bit more, Kendall gave Danny a kiss just below his ear. "You know, if you ever need a subject for a nude body drawing project... I wouldn't say no to you~"

"Nnn~ w-we're in high school..." Danny giggled in a slight moan. "I'm almost positive it's against the law for them to make us draw naked people."

"I meant privately, my little koala~" Kendall said with a light purr in his voice. Danny felt his boyfriend's hands slide over his bottom and take form grips on his butt cheeks. "And then maybe I can draw you~"

Kendall had no shame. All the students walking in the hall around them could see him holding and touching Danny in lustful ways, but none dared to speak up against the giant. The people who heard what they were saying walked away with red cheeks and flustered expressions. The two teenagers were becoming a living romance movie for all the other students to witness. Although sometimes they'd be better classified as something more naughty when they were alone.

"O-ok~" Danny purred nuzzling Kendall's neck. He whimpered and whispered into his ear loving words and soft nuzzles. "Then let's go. Maybe we can just sneak away instead. I don't even do anything for art Tiffany writes the descriptions for my scribbles and art and I take my nap. But I don't feel too sleepy anymore."

I Just Wanted to Dance (NSFW BDSM BXB)Where stories live. Discover now