What a Wonderful Morning

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The giant boy rolled over in his bed and draped his arm over the smaller boy there. Kendall snored into Danny's hair as the couple snuggled in his bed. Kendall was having dreams about working at a pancake house. And the pancakes were singing like Disney characters. But that was okay, they were pancakes after all.


Kendall snapped awake and flailed around a little. "No more singing! Hu-huh?" Kendall blinked his eyes a few times then realized it was his alarm clock. He growled and reached over Danny and slammed his hand down on it.

Danny didn't move, he was sound asleep still. All of the excitement and confrontation from last night tuckered him out. Danny still looked the same way he did when he first laid down. 8 hours spent of no sleep, his eyes were dark and his skin wasn't the brightest. Danny shifted in the bed for a moment but stayed sleeping.

Kendall smiled and leaned down to kiss Danny's cheek. He gently brushed the boy's white hair back so he could see Danny's cute little face. Kendall would ask him later if he would straighten it again. The curls were nice, but the giant missed Danny's original look.

Kendall checked the time, he couldn't be late for breakfast again. But he still had some time. He leaned down and started kissing and nibbling at Danny's neck. "Wake up~ Wake up my little cub~ It's time for us to go~"

Danny started to mewl softly under the touch of his fiancé. His back arched upward as his eyes fluttered open. "Awhn~ g-go?" Danny whispered still sleepy. "Where are we going?" The confused and sleepy boy yawned.

Kendall growled softly. Danny's noises were getting his blood going. Morning wood was rubbing against the boy's leg and Kendall's hand started rubbing over his fiancé's naked body under the sheets.

"School, my love," Kendall said softly, dragging his tongue along Danny's neck. "If we want to stay together. We need to get to school. Both our parents said so."

"Ngh~ y-yea" Danny moaned waking up. He turned his head to the side allowing Kendall better access. The boy threw his arms around his lover's neck Danny was still obviously tired, he must not have rested well at all. His eyes were still half closed even though he was moving now.

Kendall kissed Danny on the lips and pulled him closer. He looked closer at his lover's eyes and noticed how drowsy he still looked. His mother might have taken more energy from him. Or maybe he just didn't sleep well.

Kendall kissed both eyes softly. "You can sleep during French class. And all the other classes too," the giant said with a laugh

Danny blinked slowly as he let himself melt into the warm touch of his fiancé. He kept kissing Kendall nodding his head knowing he was too tired to pay attention. "Carry me to the bathroom? Let's take a shower as a engaged couple."

Kendall growled happily. "That sounds like a lovely idea. It might end up being more than just a shower though~" he said in his usual husky voice.

Kendall wrapped his arms around Danny and hugged him tight. He pulled back the bedsheets and stood up. He had no shame walking them around, both of them naked. The giant smiled and nuzzled him. "You're going to be mine. My husband. Or wife. Whichever you'd like to call yourself." Kendall smiled. "Calling you my wife sounds kind of sexy~"

Danny blushed but giggled tightening his hold around Kendall. He snuggled against his chest as his butt hung over the older boy's arms.

"I'll be your wife then" Danny said kissing Kendall on the neck. He started licking and sucking by his Adam's apple leaving hickies.

Kendall shivered and moaned. He opened his door and went straight for the bathroom, not caring that they weren't covered. Thankfully nobody else was in the hallway or they'd have seen Kendall walking by with a massive erection being kissed and toyed with by his lover.

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