Just a Little

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Danny couldn't think of anything at first, he was disappointed. Though he didn't want to hurt Kendall he did feel the boy needed to be punished.

"N-no sex. Until further notice." He whispered barely above a whisper.

Kendall chuckled. He wondered if that's what Danny would use against him. Kendall was obviously the bigger horn dog in this relationship. To make him have to refrain from any sexual advances would probably be harder for him than Danny.

The giant nodded his head and gave Danny a little smile. "That's fair. My punishment for talking about what I shouldn't have." Kendall nuzzled against Danny's hand and sighed. "I'm so sorry, baby. I promise to be better. I want to be the best for you. You... I don't know what I'd do without you."

Danny blushes pulling Kendall in for a hug. He didn't want to think about those things but at least he said something. At least he didn't hear it from around school having to ask what happened later. Having this punishment would be very fitting for the giant. Danny knew he couldn't stay a away from him and he would make it even harder.

"I know you won't do it again, you wouldn't break my heart like that. But fool me once shame on you... fool me twice?" He said looking away hoping Kendall got the message.

Kendall pulled Danny into a tighter hug. "I won't! Never! I won't say anything else. And I'll protect you from anyone who thinks they can abuse you because of what I did. I'll tear them apart if they try. I know you don't like to hear that, but I will protect you. As your future husband, that's my duty."

Kendall smiled and pulled Danny into a deep kiss. The idea that Danny would be his husband filled him with so much joy. He couldn't wait to make Danny his, for all time. "Danny and me will be together, forever" he swore to himself that it would be that way. He belonged with Danny and no one else, and Danny belonged with him. They would be together.

Danny felt himself melting into the kiss but he held his moans back. He gave Kendall a bite on the lip pulling it back and letting go. He smirked at him turning back to keep walking.

"Spending our time in the hall leads to trouble, right?" Danny giggled feeling confident. "I don't want my husband getting in trouble."

Kendall made a soft whine. Danny could tell the boy was going to suffer greatly from this punishment. The giant tried to lean in for another kiss but knew he'd be denied. "I want to get in trouble~" he said with a soft growl, smiling at Danny. Kendall nuzzled Danny's neck instead. "Class ends in a few minutes. I'll wait out here for you and we can go to the gym together. I won't let the boys in the lockerroom try anything with you."

Danny nodded giving Kendall a quick peck on the cheek before bouncing into the class. He wanted to stay with him but he also knew this was the very end. Danny swiftly went to his stool and sat there. He was slightly upset he didn't come sooner remembering how much Kendall liked his brownies.

It all went by fast, the last 10 minutes of anything would do that. The bell rang and Danny quickly jumped down before anyone could ask him anything. He ran outside to look for Kendall.

Kendall was right around the corner, waiting for him. The giant turned his head to look at Danny, sensing that he was there. He grinned and pushed himself off of the lockers that he had been leaning against. Since the talk with the principal had lasted more than a few minutes, he figured it would be easy for him to explain away why he had been gone for the rest of the period. And since Danny had shown up at his, the principal would hopefully get the message and wouldn't call Daniel's family.

As soon as Kendall saw Danny, he walked over and lifted the boy up. He pulled the boy close and nuzzled into his neck. "That felt like ages... I really am addicted..." he said with a chuckle. He hugged Danny tight, and heard some of the girls from the class swoon over the cute display. "I'm not sure I can stand spending another period without you. We need to talk tonight about what to do."

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