Virginity ⚠️

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Danny's POV

"Hhhnnngh~" I moaned shamelessly with his fingers inside my hole. I didn't expect it to feel like this, this good. Was it because it was Kendall or would it feel this good with anyone? No, definitely only with my boyfriend. His fingers moved inside of me pressing something in my body that was making it hard to stay quiet.

"A-are you suppose to, Ngh~" it was hard to ask questions with my hips in the air like this. His giant dick twitching between my thighs, the scent of it drawing me near. With my face to near his shoulder I just begin to suck on it. Licking him back and forth, would dick taste this good? It's just skin, but the scent coming from it smells. I don't know, like I want it all over my body. I want to smell him on me all the time.

Kendall was smiling down at me as he covered my body in kisses. His lips never stopped touching my skin for long. I'm going to need a ton of coverup after this to hide all these marks. Maybe I should start wearing turtlenecks to keep them hidden.

"Don't move an inch," Kendall whispered to me with his deep, commanding voice. His fingers slowly pulled out of me, leaving me with the strangest empty feeling. My hole was puckering from the sudden cold air hitting it.

I saw Kendall reach for his shorts which had been pushed to the edge of the bed. He started going through his pockets, grumbling, "Where is it? Where is it? I know I have one... Aha!" He came back and sat on his knees behind me. In his hands was a small little blue packet. It kind of looked like the packets for flavor crystals for water they served at school. He looked at me with a beautiful smile and wiggled it in his hands. "You know what this?" he asked me.

I kept looking at it trying to figure out but nothing came to mind. He looked like he was about to tell me to go get a bottle of water.

"Koolaid?" I asked like an idiot, I know I'm wrong but I can't think of anything else.

He smiled and chuckled a little. He brushed a hand over his voluminous curly hair before leaning down to give me another kiss. I didn't want it to end, but too quickly he pulled away. "How can you be so cute?" he said, making me blush and want to hide my face.

He held up the little packet and I saw the letters K-Y on it. He gave me a smile and explained, "This is lubricant. I know I had you get my dick nice and wet, and you did a great job with that~" he purred with a seductive smile, making me shiver a little at the way he looked at me. "And I got your hole nice and wet, which you definitely enjoyed. But this will make sure that everything goes even more smoothly. I want this to be as painless for you as possible. I will make this the greatest moment you've ever had in your life." He said that last line in his deep voice and growled afterwards as he smiled.

I couldn't do anything but nod my head and bite my lip. He was so hot I couldn't stand it and he was about to be my first! I looked down at my body seeing the markings had doubled. I definitely looked like Donie now I'm going to have to bathe in foundation!

I watched as he ripped open the little packet and put some of the clear gel on his dick. It started twitching like crazy, what was in there? His hand started going back towards my hole and the cold fell hit me making me squeak. He smiled again but then my hole began to get hot. It was tingling and pulsing like crazy, my own member was twitching and it hadn't been touched.

"Haaa~ w-what's happening?" I squirmed and whined as he fingered me again. My knees locked together pulled up to my chest. I covered my face throwing my head from side to side. The sensation was too much and him scissoring my hole like this! "Ngh~ fuck!"

The sound of Kendall's deep growls came close to my face. I could feel his hair tickling the back of my hands. His face must be right in front of mine but I was too scared to move my hands to look.

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