Let's Talk About It

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Danny's POV

My heart ached, I felt more tears roll down my cheeks. How could he say that?! He acted like he was going to help me yesterday and now it's terrible? I left the locker-room as people were finishing dressing themselves. Plenty of boys tried to talk to me because I'm in a skirt but I rushed out. I walked over to the girls locker room and stood outside of it. Tiffany was the first one to come out she saw my face and pulled my into her chest.

"What's wrong nuggets?" She asked me, I broke down. The others came out and immediately began asking what happened.

"I'm disgusting, he said it was terrible but it's all I have." I sobbed holding onto Tiffany's chest. They all knew what I was talking about, this was always a concern. If I ever got into a relationship how would my boyfriend react to my eating habits.

Lori, Hannah, and Barbara all came over and rubbed my back and tried to comfort me. They told me that they understood and kept repeating, "It's okay. It's okay."

Kendra ran over to us and looked around. "Hey, what's going on? Danny? What happened?"

Kendra nodded her head. "I'll go crack his skull a few times until he's thinking right. Don't worry Danny," Kendra said with a sad smile. "I'll make him remember his manners." She turned and walked towards the boy's locker room with enough determination in her stride to scare off any boy who would come at her.

Barbara came over and fixed my skirt, making sure I looked good. She gave me a smile. "You really do look pretty in a skirt," she said with a smile, probably trying to cheer me up. It worked a little, but not enough. Thinking about my body or my looks only reminded me of Kendall's words.

They must have seen my expression turning sour. They surrounded me, forming a bubble around me, and we all walked out of the gym together. Mr. Gilbert said nothing to us, he knew the sort of issues I had faced in the locker room, and he knew I was safest with the girls.

They all began walking me to my science class. There were murmurs in the halls about me. The tape had gotten around already. People were giggling and pointing at me, my expression made it seem like I was upset about that. This was about something entirely different!

"I shouldn't have done it with him there" I whimpered. Tiffany didn't let me go she rubbed circles on my back. I felt a few of the girls fluttering at my skirt. It made me feel pretty with them fawning over me like this.

"It's ok nuggets," Tiffany said again. It helped the more they said it, but not with the actual problem. Kendall, why did he have to say that?! Why couldn't he just support me?!

Hannah came over and fixed my hair for me. All the girls were telling me how good I looked, which helped me boost my self-esteem. They all understood, most of them did the same as me to stay thin. None of them ever said it was a bad thing. Why did everyone else had to think it was bad.

"Wow," came a voice from outside the girl bubble. "What a fashionable mob, a vogue gang, a stylish horde, a..."

"Okay, Donie! We get it!" I heard Janae shout. "Seriously, did you eat a thesaurus as a child? Was your dad a dictionary?"

I could see Donie peeking around the girls trying to see me. "Oh Danny~" he sang. "It's time for our chemistry class, so come along sweet thing." Donie sounded like he was in a very happy mood.

I nodded my head and started walking with him. He was so happy I didn't want to bother him with my troubles. I would attempt a fake smile but hes been able to see through those since we were 12. We saw Sarah standing outside her locker down the hall from the lab. She came over to us already looking worried.

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