Orange & Dark Blue

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Kendall knew what Danny was thinking, and he didn't need any power to do it. Danny was always thinking about his body image, so even a small amount of food would probably make him upset. He decided not to try and argue over it, it never worked. He would simply give Danny support and love.

The giant kissed Danny's cheek and down to his neck. "My baby looks beautiful. And he looked amazing out there doing those moves," Kendall said. "I'm a bit excited to help you out during the game. I get to be right next to you while you dance."

Kendall carried Danny out to his car. He looked around, sniffing the air and keeping his ears open to hear even the slightest sound. He had missed the photographer this morning. If Chad hadn't run away and was still around taking pictures, he wouldn't miss him this time.

There was no sound of photos being taken so Kendall thought it safe to go to his car. Putting Danny inside first the boy put on his seatbelt waiting for Kendall to get in. There was a rustling sound coming from the back. Danny turned around and looked, no one was there but the sounds still came. He quickly turned back around getting scared, Kendall got in the car to see the fidgeting boy.

"There's a ghost in your car" Danny whispered pointing toward the trunk.

Kendall knew those two boys were back there, but he hoped they'd be a bit more quiet. He smiled and Danny and reached up to pet his hair. "There are no ghosts, babe." He could see Danny was scared, and he was glad that the boy thought the noise was coming ghosts rather than what it really was.

"But if there were," he said with a sly grin. He turned on the car and turned on the radio. "We'll drown them out with our music."

Kendall looked around the parking lot. It was nearly empty, only a few student cars and some in the staff parking lot. He looked at Danny and smiled. "Want to sit in my lap for the drive home? I've missed having my koala in my arms."

Danny smiled shaking his fear to crawl into the protective lap of Kendall. He wrapped his arms around his fiancée's torso burying his face within his chest.

"I missed you too" he said honestly. Danny had become completely attached to the boy who had become his lover.

Kendall wrapped his arms around Danny and smiled. He purred and nuzzled into Danny's hair. He surrounded the boy in his warmth and held him tight in safe and strong arms. Kendall breathed in his scent and smiled.

"I don't know what to do tomorrow," Kendall whispered. "When they made me have to let you go, I got kind of twitchy. I needed you back in my arms. I couldn't stand it that you were so close to me and I couldn't have you." Kendall growled softly. "I'm not sure I can go another day without having you in my arms. This is where you belong."

"This is where I wanna be" Danny whispered pulling himself closer if possible. "I wish I was 18 so that I could just stay with you. Oh yea, what school will I be going to when we move?"

Kendall gave Danny a devilish grin. Having Danny so close was getting his blood flowing. His hands slid along his boy's legs and under his shirt to run his back. "You know I was thinking about that." His voice was slipping in his deeper, husky voice. "You don't really like school, I've noticed. Like not at all." Kendall leaned in and started nibbling and kissing Danny's neck, each touch making him want more. "So what if, instead of school, we look for...a dance academy. Or dance studio. Something where you can do what you love and I don't have to worry about horny seniors trying to make a grab at you."

Danny was moaning softly as a red blush covered his face. His breathing quickened feeling his body become aroused. The pair hadn't touched one another sexually all day. His body burned for Kendall inside of him like an omega in heat.

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