Sunday Cleaning

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Kendall put an arm around Danny's waist and pulled him close. He nuzzled into the boy's hair and smiled. He whispered to the boy, "You look so pretty in that~"

Kendall's hair which stuck up in some places, dragged along the ceiling. The taller boy ran his fingers through his hair. He kept his arm around Danny and they walked into the living room. He leaned down and whispered to Danny again, "I didn't know if you had told them. But I didn't want to call you anything else."

The Kendall stood up straight and faced the mother. "Mama, I must confess that I now see where Danny gets his beautiful eyes. And the way your hair frames your face... It's very becoming," Danny said in his deep tone, doing a little flirting to get on her good side.

Mary turned around sitting on the couch and folding her arms. Danny sat Kendall on the adjacent couch and sat so close their thighs were touching. He leaned into his chest locking fingers with his other hand.

"Flattery gets you no where when you have my baby." His mother said. "So, you wanted to explain."


"Quiet you! I wanna hear from boyfriend." She said cutting off her child.

Kendall smiled. He held Danny's hand and put it on his lap. He didn't want to do anything that seemed like they were hiding.

"Before you get angry at either me or your son, mama..." Kendall said with a little blush. "I want you to know that I've only had the title of boyfriend for...about 24 hours."

Kendall chuckled. "Friday, I asked him if he'd like to go on a date. We would have one date before we told anyone, in case we didn't really have chemistry and didn't think it would work," Kendall said. It was a blending of the truth, half-truths, and a little bit of falsehood. But he weaved the story so well that it made sense. "I picked up Danny from his friend's house and we went for...a really wonderful time at the ice skating rink. Then we got dinner. And went to see a movie."

"And how did you feel after Daniel?" Mary asked her child calming down after hearing about their date. "I haven't taken you and your sisters ice skating in about a year."

"I had a lot of fun" Danny said looking at Kendall. "I felt like royalty the entire night. Kendall did everything a gentleman would, just like you would want for me mommy."

Mary smiled nodding her head, she did only want someone to treat her children well. No matter who they ended up with, as long as they were respected and happy. "Alright son, you should go get changed into your suit and help Daniel clean the kitchen." She instructed going towards the steps to head up.

Kendall looked around and acted nervous. "Wait... We're doing the cleaning in our swimsuits?"

Kendall gave Danny a nervous look. He knew what he had texted Danny, about having a Speedo, so he wanted to see how the boy would react.

"Yeah so my mom can do laundry, we start the week with fresh clothes and rooms." Danny said getting up Kendall could see a little jiggle in his ass as he got up. The skirt bounced as he skipped to the kitchen.

Kendall shakes his head slowly and chuckles. "Very well. I'll..." Kendall's eyes locked onto Danny's butt under the green skirt. Thank goodness he hadn't actually brought a Speedo. If he had to keep looking at that ass, that thong wouldn't be able to stay on.

Kendall took a deep breath and brushed back his long curly hair. He began to question whether he should have brought a hair tie. He took his bag to the bathroom, which was quite small for him, and pulled off his shirt and shorts. He kept on his underwear, which kept his dick contained, and pulled on some red and black swim trunks.

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