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Kendrick couldn't focus on the boys words not knowing what they meant. He walked closer to him staying crouched down as to not fall off the room himself. He went toward the boy and grabbed him by the waist. He saw his dilated eyes and purple flames pouring out of them. He stared at him while scooting the boy under his arm to head back down.

"Benyen nan san!" Donie suddenly screamed and hissed. He opened his mouth and his teeth were now black and brown and nasty looking. He bit down on Kendrick's arm hard and it pierced his skin. There was magic pulsing in Donie's body, something dark and full of malice. It bit down with more strength then Donie should have. If Kendrick didn't get Donie off, the boy would rip a chunk out of him.

"KENDRICK!" Kendall saw his bother get bit and that startled him enough to get into motion. Something dark was swirling around Dennis. Maybe it was the drugs, but Kendall felt sure he was seeing something real. Kendall followed Kendrick's path to get up to the roof. He jumped off the hot tub and scaled up the windows. "THAT'S NOT DONIE!"

Kendrick growled at the bite and tossed the boy into the water. He grabbed his wound and made his way off of the roof. "What the fuck is he?"

Donie splashed into the water and everyone cheered. Kendra swam away from the boy, not knowing what was happening.

The boy didn't come up from the water, but as Kendrick and Kendall came closer, something else did. The drugs in the boys' system were playing with their powers. With their mother's sight, they saw more than what was there. There was a shadowy man. A massive figure made of black smoke. He had nasty teeth like the ones Donie bit Kendrick with, and eyes that glowed like purple fire and they stared at the boys. On his head it looked like he wore a huge top hat. The image was familiar to the two.

"Garden gnome from Hell..." Kendall whispered. The little doll from the witch's back porch.

The mouth of the shadow man didn't move, but the boys heard it's words whispered into their minds. "Mwen vin tire revanj pou moun ou touye yo. San pou san." With that, the shadow man faded away, like smoke being dispersed in the wind. Donie breached the surface of the water. His arms flailed as he tries to get out; he was gagging, choking on something. Kendrick looked at the figure and his eye started to twitch. Growing even louder the boy jumped off of the room with eyes on Donie. Kendra saw her brother and knew what he was about to do though she was unsure of how to react.

"You liar" Kendrick snarled going toward the pool. He dived in and swam under the boy pulling him under the water.

Donie screamed in surprise. As he was pulled down he coughed up the item choking him. A metal coin clinked on the ground as he went into the water.

Unsure if that had been a hallucination or real, Kendall hesitated just like his sister. The crowd didn't know either. They simply accepted it and went back to partying. Someone started blasting music and people began dancing. When Kendall decided to make sure it wasn't a hallucination, he ran for the water.

"Get that, Kendra!" He yelled, pointing at the coin. Then he dove into the water.

Under the water, his vision was just as bad. He saw colors floating in the water, moving pictures like a movie being played underwater. And the feel of the water on his skin made him want to float down here forever. But he needed to save Donie. Kendrick was unhinged. He couldn't let his brother kill someone in front of everyone. He'd get arrested. He needed to protect his brother. And save Donie too, but that came as an after thought. He swam towards his twin and his pet in the deep end. Kendrick had Donie by the waist he was squeezing the boy tightly trying to push out any air. Kendall was glad his brother was intoxicated because without it he would've went with a faster way to kill the boy. Kendrick was growling and snarling even under the water as he attempted to murder his favorite pet.

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