Put On A Show ⚠️

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Their master got on the bed and relaxed gathering all of the pillows together. He already set out the display for today's training. He didn't enjoy starting over so he jumped to the middle being that Donie was there to talk Connie through it. Kendrick smirked watching Connie go through the costumes trying to find something good. He had a few outfits in there he waited just to see if they would be picked. Donie pushed his and Connie's school bags off to the side, knowing they wouldn't be needed. Then he started to strip naked.

When Connie saw the boy pull off his clothes, she felt compelled to do the same. She took off her shirt when Donie did, then lowered her pants when he did, but when Donie started taking off his underwear she hesitated. She stood there in her sports bra and panties. She wasn't a virgin, the school parties had taken that long ago. This felt so different she felt more exposed and it was more personal; she found it strangely arousing.

The girl slid down her panties, letting Kendrick get a look at her ass. Being a track runner, she had a very tight and firm build. Her legs were solid muscle and her waist was thin. She unclamped her bra and let it fall on the floor. Kendrick couldn't see, but Donie could, and he saw that her breasts were about a 32C, nice and perky. Donie saw her hard nipples and knew she was getting excited.

After they got into their separate outfits, after some quiet bickering between the two about what Connie should wear, they stepped up to the bed to be judged by the master of the room. Donie was wearing leather straps that spread out in a five-point star across his chest, which left his nipples exposed for master, and went down to a leather belt around his waist. His belt also had a cock ring in the front which his hard penis and balls were stuck through and aimed at Kendrick. The boy also had two leather bands around his wrists, they had hooks on them which allowed Kendrick to bind his hands to any of other straps on his body or any of the chains around the room.

Connie was trying not to be bashful as she stepped up. She brushed her hair back and stood at attention in front of Kendrick. She was wearing a black set of lingerie. The top piece was a bra that covered her boobs mostly, but there was a large opening in the front in the shape of a kitty's face. Her thong was thin but covered her privates, and it had extra frilly straps that went higher around her midriff and some more frilly garters on her legs. She also had a collar with a small golden bell and a leash which she was holding. She didn't want to look at Kendrick, but she was curious what he thought of her choice.

The master sat up and looked them over. He knew what Donie would choose being that they both enjoyed seeing the bruises. Connie on the other hand was trying to be sexy, it was obvious that she was playing to her feminine strengths. Kendrick admired it and stood up walking around the bed to both of them. Donie knew not to move a single muscle until ordered to. Kendrick grabbed a small flogger and let the leather straps gently slide over Connie's shoulders.

He got low to her ear and growled seductively. "Hot indeed, very good choice. For my new good girl?" he praised in a low voice. Donie was next, Kendrick walked to him and made him do a spin. Pulling the smaller male into his arms Kendrick gave his favorite a light whip in the ass. Catching his moans in a kiss locking them in his throat.

"I knew you would pick this, picking the best thing for me. My favorite pet~" Kendrick growled praising Donie while making Connie jealous. He refused to do much more than tease her until she fully submitted. Kendrick knew how to handle a brat.

Donie smiled and bit his lip. He liked being called the favorite, and now that someone else was here, it meant even more. Donie's body shivered in Kendrick's arms as he was whipped. The butt plug was still in place in his hole, and the way his body tensed after each strike of the leather flogger made it feel even better.

Connie was getting anxious, and Kendrick could see it. She swayed from one foot to the other as she watched Donie get all the attention. The way Kendrick touched him, held him, kissed him... It made her go red from cheeks to chest. She wanted to be touched like that. She would take a whipping if it meant being held in those beefy arms and getting to touch that perfect body.

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