New Couple?

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Danny smiled and looked lazily at Lori, she bit her lip as he nodded quickly. "Go put a bandage on him. You know where first aid is," he smiled. Lori nodded her head and slowly walked over to Greg extending her hand to him. With his non injured hand he held hers, they walked upstairs without saying a word. Lori didn't know what to say, thank you felt so Cheesy. They reached the bathroom and she made him sit on the toilet seat.

"Just give me a sec" she said grabbing the medical equipment. She pulled out pain ointment and a bandage.

Greg felt his face getting warmer. He was alone with her. How had this happened? He had just wanted to protect her.

Greg cleared his throat and looked at Lori, seeing her red eyes and the stains her tears made in her makeup made him want to go and crush Vince's nuts under his boots. But it also made him want to reach out and touch her cheek. His hand did lift up a little, but he lowered it. He felt she wouldn't want him to touch her.

"Are you okay?" Gregory asked. "He didn't hurt you did he?"

Lori didn't say anything at first she silently took his hand putting on the ointment. When she started putting on the bandages she looked at him and spoke.

"Only my feelings, if anything he was trying to hit Danny" she smiled thinking about her drunk big brother swinging his tiny fists at Vince. "But, thank you. F-for stepping in, and for saying all those nice things. They meant a lot."

Ignoring the pain in his hand, Greg twisted his hand around and held Lori's. "Hey... Don't think about that asshole. About anything he said. He doesn't know a good thing when he sees it."

Greg's cheeks suddenly went red and he pulled his hands away, getting bashful. "I mean... Well, the only opinion that matters is yours. Who you are... Only you get to say. I like you any way you...are..." Lori saw the boy's face getting deeper red as he realized what he said. He turned his head to try and hide his blush.

Lori gasped silently hearing the half confession was almost too much. It made her smile, she did like Greg but she also thought he was just a good guy that accepted her. They flirted a little but at last week's party she spent most of the time taking care of him. Making sure the drunk boy didn't hurt himself and what not, but now seeing him semi sober she couldn't deny his feelings.

She stepped closer to the hot boy, standing between his legs. Lori bent down and hugged Greg. She didn't say anything at first she just silently sat in his lap hugging him.

Greg gulped, feeling Lori hug him. He was sure she could feel the furnace that was his face. He cautiously raised his arms and wrapped them around her. He pulled her close held her tight. He was glad that she was okay. Lori was tough and strong, she wouldn't let Vince's words hold her down. He admired her for her courage, for being who she knew she was and fighting against whoever tried to hold her down.

Unknown to the two of them, there was a phone on speaker right outside the door listening to them. It has been silently placed there by Tiffany. Down in the kitchen, everyone was crowding around the other line. The muted phone was on speaker and they could all hear what was happening.

"It's gone quiet," Jelly whispered.

"Did they find the phone?" Barbara asked.

"Shhh I hear something," Janae said as she turned up the volume.

Gregory cleared his throat to get Lori's attention. "Umm are uhh... Are you doing... anything... t-tomorrow?"

The whole crowd downstairs gasped. They quickly got quiet, wanting to hear the answer.

"No, I'm completely free for tomorrow. All day tomorrow, but I have to ask" Lori looked into Greg's eyes. The deep blue orbs made her feel like she was at sea nearly drowning in them. "When, and why do you like me? I mean, you had all this time to talk to me."

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