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Kendall smiled again. He pulled Danny closer and hugged him tight. He loved it. He wanted to hear Danny call him that every day. It made the giant feel like Danny really knew him, who he was. It made him feel like there were no more secrets.

But he wasn't allowed to reveal those secrets yet. Danny felt his lover tense up a little, a mask coming over his face again as he chuckled. "Kendall Shawn, babe. My full name."

Kendall nuzzled Danny's neck. He took a deep breath and breathed in their scents. It felt good to have their bodies connected. He wanted to be honest with Danny, to have a true and open relationship with him. But it wasn't time for that yet.

With a loving smile, Kendall reached up and pet Danny's cheek as he lifted his head and looked into his eyes. "And I will make you mine. Danny Jericho Richardson."

Danny smiled pushing his face into the boys chest. He wanted nothing more than to dance and to marry Kendall. That's all he wanted out of life. Part of him was ready to give up being a model. Not because he couldn't do it but because he knows Kendall wouldnt like people staring at photos of him.

"I'm already yours Kendall Shawn Richardson." Danny smiled giving Kendall a kiss on the chin then the lips.

Kendall smiled and kissed Danny back. His hand cupped the boy's cheek as they kissed. His other arm wrapped around his lover's waist and lifted him up.

"We're a mess, aren't we?" he said with a little smile. "And you seen a little worn out. Maybe we should go wash up, and then we can come back." Kendall leaned down and nuzzled his love's neck. "I'm thinking a nice, warm bubble bath. How does that sound?"

Danny smiled breathing softly as he looked into Kendall's eyes. They were so captivating with their golden brown color.

"Yes, let's do that. I wanna soak in a sea of bubbles with you." Danny whispered into his ear.

Kendall purred and a shiver ran through his body when Danny whispered. The giant was still full of need and brimming with energy that needed to be released. But he wanted to take care of his baby. Danny had been through so much lately, Kendall wanted to pamper him.

"Then let's go get you some bubbles," the larger boy said, giving his lover a kiss on the nose. Kendall slowly pulled himself out of Danny, not wanting to hurt him. They hadn't used lube when they started and he knew it would dry out soon. If he didn't pull out, it would hurt Danny more.

Danny could see his lover was still rock hard and leaking. And from the look in Kendall's eyes, Danny could tell that the giant wasn't done with him yet. His larger lover only wanted a change of scenery before they continued.

He blushed smiling at Kendall softly moaning during the extraction. His body was still hot and needy for his lover. Danny wrapped himself around Kendall knowing he would carry him. The couple got up and Kendall wrapped his robe around both of them. Danny was so small to his chest the boy fit perfectly. The smaller boy snuggled against his fiancé's chest as they walked to the bathroom.

"I love you so much Kendall" Danny said kissing his neck and chest. He wanted Kendall to know how much he cared for him and didn't want to leave.

Those words brought a smile to Kendall's face. He was sad that Danny hadn't called him Shawn again, but he couldn't expect anymore of that yet. Kendall guessed that his little lover was confused by why he wanted to hear Danny call him that. It had been an odd request, for sure. But Kendall would think more about that later, maybe when they moved and changed names again, he could have Shawn be his name again.

Kendall walked across the hall, carrying Danny in his arms and under the robe. The smell of mother's cooking wafted up the stairs and into their noses. It made Kendall's stomach growl loud enough to be heard.

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