That Word

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The morning's light was an unwelcome guest. Gregory rolled over and tried to find a pillow to cover his face. Where were his pillows? And why did his head hurt so much? His entire body ached. Every muscle tense and throbbing. He hadn't done a good recovery after the game yesterday.

Yesterday! The party! Lori!

Greg snapped awake and looked around. He wasn't in his bedroom, he wasn't even in his house. This was Tiffany's house. His parents were going to give him hell for staying out all night without messaging them.

Greg looked around for Lori, but she wasn't in bed. Last night, after punching Vince and confessing his feelings, he and Lori had come up to cuddle. And then, after her brother and the captain came up and took command of the bedroom, they had switched to this one. Both of them had been high and drunk, and both had been feeling lustful, but they hadn't done anything. Other than some playful touching and a fierce make out session, they had simply cuddled and enjoyed each other's company. Greg heard a shower running. He remembered that the two bedrooms had been connected by a bathroom. That had been how they moved from one room to the next.

The boy got up and walked over to it. His shirt was a wrinkled mess and his legs felt sweaty and gross in his jeans. Greg guessed his hair was a mess too. He walked to the bathroom door and knocked. "Lori?" he said quietly, just in case it wasn't her. "You in here?" The door was unlocked so he pushed it open and looked inside.

Steam erupted from the bathroom as it cleared Greg could see a curvy figure in the shower. Lori turned her head to see Greg standing there her body dripping in soapy water. Her B cup chest was perky and her hips were rounded. Blushing like crazy she covered her unwanted item and turned her body from him.

"D-don't stare at that!" She said as her curls hit the water making it run down her face.

"I wasn't!" Greg slapped himself in the face to cover his eyes. His face was bright red. He had seen plenty already. "I was only looking at your boobs... I mean chest! I mean...shit!"

Greg grumbled and turned his head away. But he couldn't help himself, he peeked around his hand. Lori's body was beautiful. Her hips were just as curvy as he remembered from holding last night. Her chest, he hadn't been sure if they were padded or real but now he saw they were very real. Lori smiled happy that he wasn't looking lower than her chest. Keeping the wash cloth covering her bottom area she turned back toward Greg.

"Oh" she said to get his attention. Once his hand wasn't covering his face Lori used her arms to push her chest together. "I'm ok with you looking there," she swayed left and right letting the water rain on to her chest lightly rinsing her. Lori had the boy blushing even more. He had permission to look, kind of, but he still found himself only looking at it for a few seconds before looking away.

Greg leaned back against the bathroom counter and watched Lori in the shower. Should he be looking at her like this? Was it okay? They hadn't done anything last night. She had referred to him as a boyfriend already. Or had she said 'future' boyfriend? He couldn't remember all the details of last night. But he couldn't stop himself from staring.

Though he didn't just want to stare. He wanted to touch her. He wanted to step in that shower and caress her body. To run his fingers through her hair and let them slide over her breasts. Gregory was starting to feel uncomfortably tight in his jeans.

"Can I get the next shower, after you?" he asked innocently. He knew she was sensitive about her body, and he didn't want to make any advances unless she was ready for them.

"Of course" Lori replied with a giggle. She found him so handsome his short blonde hair, deep blue eyes, and that little mole he had by his nose. Greg was always respectful and they were friends with a lot of the same people. Lori did a quick 360 in the water to rinse her body off. She didn't turn off the water as she opened the door letting the cold air stiffen her nipples. Her wash cloth now rung out she still used it to cover her lower part. She looked at Greg and pointed to the towel he was leaning on. "Mind if I use that?" She asked jokingly.

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