More plans?

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Danny was snatched away but giggled as he trotted in the middle of them. He knew he was going to be getting all the questions about the proposal. Though they didn't in a way he expected.

"So why have you been ignoring our texts?!" Tiffany said as they began to stretch. Danny got down and started copying the group as he use to.

"I've been with Kendall all this time. Sorry I haven't been on my phone we're always talking and doing stuff." Danny explained.

"Yea... fuckin" Laura pipped up making everyone laugh.

Kendall ran over to the other students in his gym class. The girls were all staring at him with knowing grins, clearly they had all heard the gossip and knew what he was planning. All the guys were looking at him with grins, they knew he was banging Danny and thought he was getting the best that any boy could get.

The only thing on Kendall's mind was Danny. Even though he felt sure that Danny was safe with the girls, he wanted to be there with him. To be away from Danny felt like torture. He needed to be sure that Danny was safe and away from anyone that would hurt him. The teacher had them play some game, but Kendall didn't care. He was only thinking about Danny while Danny was giggling as he was being walked through the new cheers. He picked them up just as quickly as he normally did but was lacking his usual energy.

"Are you good?" Tiffany asked for Danny to quickly nod his head still trying to dance. They decided to go over a cheer he knew already but just as he went for his third toe touch he fell. Hitting the ground hard Danny passed out.

Kendall's head snapped to the side when he heard the crash. He was on the basketball court playing with the other students in the class. The ball in his hand fell and bounced away, forgotten. The giant sprinted over and skidded to a stop next to Danny.

"Danny! Danny? Babe?" Kendall fell to his knees next to Danny and lifted the boy in his arms. "Danny? Come on babe, wake up." His voice was filled with terror and shock. Danny was alive but that crash had sounded bad. Kendall shook the boy's body in his arms and tapped his cheeks, trying to get him to open his eyes.

Danny groaned opening his eyes to see everyone crowding around him. He knew he must have fell or something with how worried they looked.

"I'm ok," he said weakly showing he in fact wasn't ok. Tiffany looked at the other girls and they all shared a nod.

"He probably needs to go back to the doctor." Sabrina said. "Just for an IV or something to get your nutrients back."

"No, I don't want.." Danny whimpers pulling himself toward Kendall.

Kendall shook his head. "Danny, I'm sorry but they're right." He nuzzled his cheek against the boy's hair and hugged him to his chest. "You're not well. This exhaustion is getting serious. I'm going to take you to the nurse." Kendall stood up and kept Danny in his arms. "I don't want to see you get hurt. Maybe the nurse will let you sleep in her office."

Danny tried to push Kendall away but he wasn't strong enough. He couldn't get the giant to put let him go. "I don't... I don't." Danny tried to fight but he was too tired. He stopped fighting before anyone had to stop him. His body felt like it was crumbling from the inside out. "O-ok."

"I'm calling my mom" Tiffany said pulling out her phone. Before Kendall could ask Sabrina got his attention to explain.

"Her mom is his pediatrician." She said, "so no nurse he needs a real doctor."

Kendall nodded his head. He trusted the girls to know how best to help Danny. They all had known about his eating issue, so he felt confident in letting them decide what had to happen. He cradled Danny in his arms, holding him close. His mother had done this by taking so much energy from him, and so he felt responsible. He would do whatever he had to in order to help him.

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