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Kendall's POV Cont...

I smiled and put an arm around him to hug him. I let go of Danny to put the car in reverse and then I started driving forward. Once I had the car in motion, I put my arm back around him to keep him held tight to my chest.

"I love when you snuggle," I confessed. "It makes me feel so good. So warm and...loved. You make me feel so good Danny."

"Because I love you." He said softly nuzzling my neck. "Because you do the same for me, you deserve it."

I felt my cheeks get warm. I buried my face in his neck to hide my smile. I kept one eye on the road so we didn't have an accident.

I gave Danny a kiss on his neck. "I love you, cub," I whispered back. "I really do. It feels so real. And it makes me feel wonderful."

"This all feels too good to be true" he said making me jump. "It's like I'm in a dream, no matter what goes wrong you're right there to fix it. You love me just as much as I love you and it makes me so happy to know you do. Just a few days ago things were so different... and now." He was smiling to himself, I could smell the happiness rising. "Now I'm in heaven with my the boy of my dreams."

I chuckled as we got closer to my house. "Boy of your dreams huh?" I asked playfully. "You always dreamt of a six foot eight giant with crazy hair who was basically addicted to touching your body every second of the day?"

I glanced down at him and smiled. "Tell me about some of your other dreams, then." I chuckled. "I hope you're not going to be...intimidated. By my home, my family..." 

"Well, since you came to school my dream did get more specifically towards you but I have always wanted a really tall boyfriend. I use to think I belonged with like the captain of another sports team but that just kind of put a target on my back once I began dancing in highschool." He spoke as if he understand I was telling him how wealthy my family was.

"Amara said I should just shack up and marry some rich guy. But then what would I do with my life?" He giggled like there weren't plenty of penthouse princes.

I chuckled and nuzzled into his hair. "If you found the right rich guy, he'd let you do whatever you wanted. You could do anything you wanted and be set for life still."

We were close to my house, just a few more minutes. I kissed Danny's nose. "And once I saw your dancing... I don't think I could ever ask you to stop. I love watching you dance."

"So, if you were a rich guy. You would let me dance and take care of me forever?" He asked me as if he didn't know how much the car he was sitting in costs. Though Danny didn't seem like the type to know anything other than what he wanted to know about. I'm sure he could name 15 dance movies and 100 models he looked up to but not a single car or video game.

"If you were rich, would I be able to have a dance studio at home so I wouldn't have to leave for practice?" He giggled.

I nodded my head. "That would be fine. Means I can keep you even closer to me. So I can come find you whenever I want~" I said with a teasing tone, licking at his ear. "And I can come watch you dance and you can give me private recitals."

I drove up to a large metal gate. "This is my home," I said quietly. I pressed a button and the gate opened and showed a long driveway that led into a wooded area.

Danny gasped and looked around the area. He was eyeing the plans and stone designs on the driveway. As we drove to the garage he saw the me and Kendrick had our own parking spots. Kendra had yet to get a car so she didn't need one and our mother rarely left home.

"Amazing! You are that rich guy you were talking about aren't you?!" He smiled seeing my huge home as we finished pulling into the spacious garage. "Your home looks crazy big, jeez! I totally just realized that Kendra lives here too oh my gosh she's so lucky!"

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