Hide & Seek

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The remainder of the day went as expected. Lots of touching, talking, and wedding planning. Sunday was spent at the Crawford home where Danny's parents saw the ring Kendall gave him. The boy was so happy to show his family the beautiful expensive ring he was gifted with.

Monday came like a flash and it wasn't even 9am and people already were buzzing about the officially engaged couple. Danny and Kendall were bombarded with questions and congratulations. Even in his French class where he sat behind his lover. Ignoring everyone Danny sat up to give Kendall a kiss on the back of his neck.

After their power bottom adventure Danny had become a lot more forward. He no longer cared about people being around them or seeing their relationship. He ran his tongue on Kendall's neck bone letting his lipgloss stuck to him.

A shiver ran up Kendall's spine so hard, his whole desk shook as his body did. The giant hid his face in his hands to hide his blush and to stifle his purring.

Kendall spun around in his seat to look back at Danny. He raised an eyebrow and gave him a little smile. "Easy boy," he said playfully. "Soon you're the one who's going to be hunting me down through the day." He winked at Danny before leaning in and stealing a kiss on the lips. All the girls immediately squealed at the cute couple.

Danny purred moving his shoulders in a little shimmy before sitting down. He turned around to Sarah who had a stupid grin on her face. She passed him her worksheets as they always did but didn't say a word.

"What's up with you?" Danny asked as he started to copy the word.

"Nothing, just spending time with the most beautiful girl in the world" Sarah breathed out thinking about Kendra.

"It seems anyone involved with a Richardson lives happily every after" Danny smiled making sure Kendall could hear him.

"Ain't that the truth." Kendall peeked behind him and smiled. He glanced back at Sarah and tried not to let his thoughts be seen in his expression.

Kendrick had told him what Donie had learned. Sarah had been communicating with the spirits of another world and playing with powers beyond her understanding. He didn't know what Kendra was doing with her, but Sarah was her responsibility now. Maybe Kendra wanted to make the girl an asset, or learn what she knew before dealing with her.

Kendall turned to face the teacher as class began. But he was already folding and cutting the papers in front of him to put on his next show. He knew French well enough to get through this class without paying attention and Danny had Sarah to get him through it. So their class together had become a time when Kendall entertained the boy behind him.  

Danny smiled going back to finish copying the class work. After he was down he pulled out his sticky notes to draw a bear and a koala. He colored them with the new glitter gel pens Kendall bought him. Once he was done Danny stuck the note on Kendall's shoulder like always. Though Danny couldn't help but get up and blow softly into Kendall's ear. He giggled seeing the giant be so jumpy.

Kendall shivered again and Danny could hear him growl this time. It wasn't an angry growl, as he had come to recognize the different noises of his fiancé. This noise meant he was winding Kendall up, pushing buttons and making the larger boy get needy.

A hand slowly came over the wide shoulder and carefully peeled off the sticky note. Kendall looked at it and smiled. With a chuckle, he put it in his notebook to save. He and Danny were on the same wavelength. When Mr. Mozi wasn't looking, Kendall lifted his new finger puppets over his shoulder for Danny to see.

One was a grumpy looking bear and the other was a happy little koala with big fluffy ears. The koala moved closer to the bear, but the bear always turned and looked angry and grumpy, and scared the koala back.

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