Shea ⚠️

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Kendrick now going by Shea officially to his pets kissed Connie again. He adjusted her hooks so she hovered over Donie. Her privates where now face to face with her master's mouth. Shea grabbed the lube pouring some into Donie's hole before thrusting into him. A strong grip on his hair to kept him swinging back. Shea then pushed his face into Connie's open legs. He whipped his tongue inside for a little bit before slowly making it grow.

Connie let out a startled gasp as the familiar tongue of her master changed into a long and thick appendage. It still wiggled and rubbed her in the ways a tongue could, but she had never felt that at the same time as being filled with so much. Her legs shook and made the swing rattle as her legs tried to wrap around Shea's head. Connie wanted her master closer.

"OHHhhhh!~ My body is yours master!~" she cried out, feeling his tongue slide deeper inside of her.

Donie should have asked for a ball gag in his mouth. He was moaning louder than his sister above him. His body was being pushed and pulled like a paddleball being smacked against the paddle. Master didn't let him swing far before he was pulled back fiercely, spearing his hole with his fat cock.

"M-M-Master!~" Donie screamed. "Gag me~ Gag me please~ I might just bite my tongue off, it's so good~" he said with a slight giggle.

Shea chuckled pulling himself out of both of his pets. He walked over to the drawer and grabbed a ball gag with holes in it. He wanted to hear Donie scream but still give him whatever he wanted.

Coming back to the end Kendrick gave Donie a kiss on the cheek before putting on the gag. He went back to his position and started pumping again.

Donie blushed and wiggled in his swing with delight. He loved how master always accommodated their requests. He took what he wanted, but he also gave them what they wanted. He let his jaw relax, his teeth scraping on the plastic ball, but his moans came through the ball just as loud as ever. When Shea started going at him hard again, Donie's eyes popped open and he cried out in pleasure.

Connie giggled and twisted herself to look down at Donie. "Master loves his favorite very much~" The girl reached down and ran her hands in her master's hair. She purred and smiled. "Master has such beautiful hair~"

Shea gave Connie a hard squeeze on her ass to signify he loved her too. The boy was at peace with both his pets. Right now his world was care free and he wanted nothing more than to make his pets happy. 

He power went up as he pushed harder into them. He made sure to hit Donie's prostate every time he thrusted. His tongue whipped inside of Connie like a snake under attack.

Connie squealed with delight as she felt master's tongue play inside of her like it was alive. He knew exactly how to move, just where to touch, and it left her body trembling and tingling all over. Connie's lower lips were leaking her juices right into her master's mouth.

"M-master!~ Oh fuck!~" Connie moaned. Her hands played in Shea's hair and tugged it gently, trying to pull him deeper into her body.

Donie's swing was rattling more and getting louder. The boy was holding onto the straps of his swing to hang onto something. Master was tearing his hole open and he loved it! Master's shaft was thicker and longer than he had ever felt and it was causing pain and pleasure and giving him sensations he'd never known before. Tears of joy were running down his cheeks as he felt satisfaction unlike any he'd felt before.

And the boy wanted more! Shea's little cockslut was screaming against his gag and moaning louder. He arched his back and squeezed his hole around the giant's dick. The boy's jockstrap was leaking even more, it was soaked and filled with the little sex slave's jizz. Donie let himself cum as many times as master could make him. Each time he did, he felt his hole tighten up and it made master's fucking feel even better.

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