Secret Crush?

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Only two more classes left for the school day, and Danny, Donie, and Sarah all shared it. It was nice for them that they could have a few shared classes to be together and talk and swap homework to copy. Literature class was very easy for them, especially because the teacher was just as lazy as the students. Ms. Linder sat at her desk and had students 'be quiet and read' for the class period before taking a work assignment home. The questions on the homework were copy and pasted off a website that all the students knew about, so pretty much every student passed the class unless they were too lazy to even use the simple cheat method.

Donie wobbled a bit as he walked to his desk against the far wall. Danny was sat behind him and Sarah to his right. They both looked at Donie with knowing smiles and the proud boy tossed back his curls with a grin.

"You're just jealous bitches~" Donie said with a laugh.

"Jealousy is a trait I do not posses" Danny said putting in his earbud and starting his music. He pulled out his notebook and passed it off to Sarah whose turn it was to make his notes and do his assignments.

"You know you'll never get into college like this right?" Sarah questioned still starting the work.

"When have I ever desired to peruse higher education?" Danny giggled turning back to Donie. "And you. You're just a little slut monkey, which I love, but you have not been in the classes I needed you in. What's up with that?"

Donie folds his arms and turns up his nose. "I was called upon, and so I went. That is the deal with my relationship with Kendrick."

Secretly, Donie wanted to tell Sarah and Danny about the kissing and the tender moments. He desperately wanted to share with them the stories proving that Kendrick was much kinder and sweeter than he portrayed and how everybody thought about him. But Donie wouldn't expose Kendrick like that. He trusted his friends to keep his secrets, but Donie wouldn't share Kendrick's. Those were his and he had trusted Donie to see that part of him. Besides, there was something intimate about only Donie knowing.

"I'm sure we can catch up on our homework later after your dance practice," Donie said, wiggling his butt in his seat to get comfy with the inserted plug again.

"And after his cheerleading practice," Sarah added.

"Yeah yeah yeah" Danny whined slightly laying his head down on the table. Per usual the little dancer was fully prepared to nap through the entire class period. Sarah poked him with her pencil. "Ow!"

"Get up." She whispered. "I may be doing your work but I'm not gonna hear her mouth about your head being down."

Ms.Linder had a habit of calling Daniel out knowing he wasn't doing his work. She didn't require much from her students those who wanted to fail she let fail but those who cheated at least needed to be awake during her lesson or class to not get a 0. Sarah was doing her best to save her friend.

Danny whined and lifted his head. He opened his book to a random page and looked down at it. Words popped out to him but not in an order that made sense. Danny didn't care about the book or the assignment, instead he focused on the music in his ear. His feet tapped and dragged across the floor as he mimicked his dance routine.

Looking back at Danny, Donie shook his head and laughed. "He really does only think about dancing, doesn't he?" Donie whispered. Then he looked at Sarah and leaned over. "Hey... Can I ask you something? Do you think my thing with Kendrick is weird?"

Sarah finished the sentence she was writing before turning to Donie with an answer. "Dennis." She stated using his real name. She knew that he needed comfort and support from someone. He and Daniel were her very best friends and she knew why they were in the relationships that they were in.

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