Kendrick's Interview

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Agents Callow and Mackinaw sat in the principal's office with Kendrick. They had asked the principal to use this specific office so they would have the right about of privacy. The room had only one window that looked outside and one small section of glass in the door. This gave the feeling that nobody could see them, presumably to make Kendrick feel like he could speak privately and stay anonymous. But the twin knew the other agents were right outside the door, and it was doubtful that the room was soundproof.

Mackinaw was sat at the desk in the middle of the room while Callow was stood behind her, pacing across the room occasionally. She looked at Kendrick and motioned to the chair sat in front of the desk. "Please sit, Mr. Richardson."

"Mr. Richardson is my father, my name is Kendrick" the tall boy growled as he walked to the chair. He was smirking as he sat down man spreading his legs to get comfortable. "What do you bone heads want with me and my brother?"

Callow chuckled with a smug grin on his face. He continued to pace behind Mackinaw as she spoke. "Kendrick... We're only trying to help end this frightening situation. We want to find these missing kids."

She gave Kendrick a warm smile, or at least a warm a smile as one can force themself to make. The whole scenario here seemed staged. She leaned forward across the desk and continued. "It's come to our attention, that you or your brother might have been the last to see Charles Barber last night."

Callow stared at Kendrick in the same accusing way as Dobbs, but he stayed silent.

"We'd like to know what happened yesterday with Mr. Barber. And we think your brother was the last one to see him before he disappeared," the female agent explained. "Can you tell us where he is?"

"Nope" Kendrick replied popping the P in his words. He leaned back folding his arms smiling just as smug. "I don't fuck with Barber, or most of the basketball team. So nah, he wasn't at my house last night. I was kinda busy, with those two you saw with me earlier."

It was clear the agents were going to get any information out of Kendrick easily. They would have to find a way to trick the boy into slipping up. "Anything else?"

Mackinaw took out a file and started pulling out photos. They were photos of the missing kids. Mackinaw started laying them down on the desk, one at a time, pointed at Kendrick.

"Do you recognize any of the people in these pictures?" Mackinaw asked, the softness in her voice disappearing and being replaced with a stern, teacher-like tone. "Some of them went to this school... I believe those two you were with made comments about knowing some. Perhaps we should talk to them and ask them some questions." She looked back at Callow. The agent took out his cellphone and started typing a message.

"Maybe, because I don't know any of them other than Charlie. And maybe Momitsu but I don't talk to either of them to know where they were last seen." Kendrick said still unimpressed by all of this.

Agent Mackinaw saw how bored Kendrick was with their conversation. The boy didn't even flinch when exposed to the missing children. That was another red flag for the agents.

"Contessa Vincit..." Agent Callow said behind Mackinaw. He closed his phone and looked up at Kendrick, he leaned back on the shelf against the wall. He tilted his head slightly to the side. "Did you know that there were suspicions that she was a victim of parental abuse? The school nurse and the track coach both made comments that the principal catalogued. She seems very close to you. Were you aware of anything of that nature?"

"Her parents made her strive for success to the point of forcing her to join school teams she didn't enjoy. They didn't beat her, she had a problem with being yelled at but that's it. So no, I don't think she fits your victimology." Kendrick replied with a short and sweet lies showing them he was indeed paying attention to the list of names. He knew Connie was beaten, but she was damn good at hiding it. Nobody knew by her master.

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