Plan of Action

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Kendall got into his seat behind the wheel. Before he put on his belt. He noticed Danny wincing and looking at his hand. "Danny? What's wrong?"

Kendall reached out and took the boy's hand. When he saw the bruise, his eyebrows pinched together. Mother's work on his had left him with nearly nothing. Kendall hoped Danny would be able to recover. "It looks like you gave yourself a little boo boo," he said softly, using the childlike term for an injury. He brought Danny's hand up to his lips and he kissed it. He used his power to heal it slightly. If he healed it all the way, Danny would get suspicious. He healed it enough to remove the pain and make the bruise less visible. "There. A kiss makes all pain go away. That's what my mom always said when we were kids."

Danny smiled and looking at his hand. "It feels better," he thought. "It's just like how mommy use to say pain was in the mind sometimes. This must be one of those times."

"Thank you daddy" Danny said leaning his head on Kendall's arm. When he rested his head; he was nearly asleep instantly. Danny was truly running on fumes pretending to have the energy to go to class. Kendall knew the moment he was away from him he would fall asleep and possibly have no protection. People were definitely going to be after him with that photo being out.

Kendall brushed his hand through Danny's hair and leaned down to kiss him. "Get some more rest before we get to school. I'll drive slow so I don't wake you," Kendall said quietly. He turned on some music but kept it quiet, that way Danny had some background noise. "And you can sleep during French class. I'll be right next to you. Or you can be in my lap if Mr. Mozi allows it."

Danny was out like a light before he even heard Kendall speaking. The boy was completely drained solely going off of will power. He was so strong, most people would be passed out not even having sex. Kendall smiled and continued to pet his love's hair as he buckled up. He backed his car out and slowly went down the driveway. He would have to drive carefully to make sure he didn't wake Danny. And hopefully the boy wouldn't be sore from leaning against him at this angle. Kendall turned the seat warmer to low, hoping that would help him not get stiff.

As Kendall reached the end of the driveway, and waited for the gate to open, he saw the black truck there from last night. It was still watching the house. He couldn't see who was inside, but he would bet it was the FBI agents. They were staking put his home. That meant any work he did would have to be even more cautious and prepared. He'd have to make a plan while at school, he couldn't risk another night without bringing something home for mother. Danny wouldn't survive another night of her feeding.

He turned out of the driveway and headed towards school. "The surveillance car didn't move. It stayed on the house. Maybe they were waiting for all three of us to leave. Or maybe they planned to watch the house during the day and try and catch mother and father. Good luck to them with that. If they weren't careful, those FBI agents might be the next to go missing." Kendall thought to himself.

Danny slept the entire ride to school. Even when they pulled up the stopping of the car didn't even wake him. He was truly exhausted looking like he missed 2 days of sleep as it was. The dark circles under his eyes weren't easy to miss and Kendall was sure people would have questions. If the agents were back today they may use this as a reason to question Danny again.

Kendall unbuckled Danny's seatbelt and carefully moved his arms to get it off of him. Then, without much effort, he picked up the limp body of his sleeping fiancé and brought the boy into his lap. He nestled Danny's face into his neck and made sure he was resting against him firmly.

"Let's hope they don't send you to the nurse to sleep it off," Kendall whispered as he turned off the car. "Because I don't think they'll let me stay with you there."

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