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Kendall's POV

His face turned bright right red he couldn't even speak. He just put his soft arms around my neck laying into my hold. The girls behind him were starting at me smiling. They all seemed extremely happy for Danny but Lori was giving me the stink eye. It was the same face my mother gave me when she was secretly telling me not to fuck up. I decided to take Danny out of the staring eyes of the crown walking him to the kitchen.

I saw him on the table staying between his legs. Nobody followed us, well my teammates tried but the girls stopped them. It was just me and Danny in the kitchen his beauty just taunting me to kiss him.

"S-so uhm, are you. Well are we, uhm. Still going out tonight... like you said?" He asked me looking away.

I reached up and gently put my hand on his chin. I turned his face to look back at me, I didn't want to stop looking into his eyes. Seeing them made me smile, I don't know why, but I couldn't stop grinning. I stepped in closer, making him have to spread his legs wider to let me in. My bare chest was just inches from him.

"Of course we're still going out tonight," I confirmed, hoping my date idea would pop back into my head soon. I looked down at my my hand on his chin and tenderly stroked his cheek. Then my hand slid down and ran along the many marks I had put on him. I started to lean in, bringing my lips closer to his. "I was...a little confused when I woke up and you weren't there." My eyes rose up to meet his again. "I was worried I had scared you off."

The grumblings of my teammates arguing in the background with Danny's girls was starting to get annoying. I did appreciate their supporting Danny, but they were being so noisy. It seemed that he was use to it by how easy it was for him to ignore the commotion. He leaned in giving me a kiss I pulled him deeper before he could get away. I heard a moan leave him making me harden a little, his voice was too fucking cute. He pushed me back just to part our lips.

"W-what are we gonna see?" He asked me finally chiming my memory of asking him to the movies. It's gotta be some dance movies out right? Or maybe we could set up the projector in my room it's not like I don't have the space. Then again that would involve bringing him to my house and mom would think he was work related.

I tried to think of something but I had to shake my head. "I'm... I actually have no idea what's at the theater," I said with a chuckle. My cheeks got a little warm with embarrassment. "I just wanted to take you out. Maybe we can decide when we get there?" I definitely couldn't take him home. Not yet, at least.

I leaned in again and touched my forehead to his. I gave him a soft peck on the lips and smiled. I laid my hands down on his thighs and gave them slow massaging strokes before moving them up to hold his waist. "I hope I didn't overstep before," I said softly, feeling a little concerned. "Picking you up in front of all the others? They all seem to know we were in that room together, but it doesn't sound like anybody knows just what we did. I didn't want them to start swarming you."

"Where were you when I first woke up?" He giggled giving me another kiss. He laid his head on my chest and wrapped his arms around my torso. He was cute how he clung to me like a little koala.

"I was down here with the girls. We can go skating instead, something more active. Since you like to exude your energy."

He was thinking of me, he's so precious. I'll protect him from everyone!

"And I do like when you, come rescue me. I do like the affection, I just know that doing that in school would raise some questions. And I don't know how you feel about the public seeing us together." He said looking genuinely afraid of me shunning him. That would never happen, at least half the school knows I'm gay. The other half are just girls who don't want to accept it.

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