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"I can't do this!" Kendall was hiding in the showers. "Holy shit why did I think I could do this? I can't do this."

The other players were all trying to coax their panicking captain out of the corner of the shower room. As soon as they had come in from the pitch, Kendall started wigging out and went to go hide.

"Come on, Cappy," Jelly said with a smile. "You will do fine!"

Kendall shook his head rapidly, whipping his sweaty hair around.

"Kendall, man, you can do this." Travis encouraged.

Kendall began hyperventilating, still shaking his head. This was too much. Too much and too soon. He wasn't ready for this.

"Hey, Captain," Gregory took the risk and stepped inside and got closer to the freaked out giant. "You love this boy don't you?" Kendall snapped his eyes at Greg, making him jump back. But he shook it off and kept moving in. "I mean. You do love this boy. And he loves you. You can do this. For him."

Kendall took a deep breath and stood up. After a few breaths, he stepped out of the shower, flanked on both sides by his teammates. He stared at the deep purple jacket and pants of the suit hanging on his locker. Tiffany had made Travis bring it before the game and after Kendall had gone out to start practice.

It was perfect. Of course it was, those girls always picked the perfect things. The shade of purple was his favorite, the plaid white and purple shirt underneath and the tie matched it so well. And the damn thing was even tailored to fit his huge size. Both teams must have pitched in to afford a suit like this.

"I... I can do this. I... I can't...!" He tried to step back but the boys were all there and stopped him. They pushed him forward and back to the suit. "I can! I can do this. Oh holy hell, I'm doing this."

The performers made it to Tiffany's house where Kendrick was already parked out front with Donie holding his make up bag and Connie holding a white bag on a hanger. Danny looked around at everyone with another confused expression he ran up to his best friend and hugged him. He saw him  at breakfast but recently they hadn't talked much he was so happy to see him there.

"What the hell is going on? No one will tell me anything" Danny whispered to Donie.

"It's a party, silly! A night of festivities, revelry, celebration, and all other kinds of debauchery." Donie smiled mischievously, and Danny sensed that his best friend was also involved in whatever this was.

Donie was dressed in a pair of pristine white pants and grey v-neck that showed off his sparkling diamond collar. Both of these only put greater emphasis on the bright colored patchwork jacket he made for the occasion. Donie had stitched together 6 different styled jackets to make a Frankenstein looking coat that matched him perfectly.

Connie giggled, carrying the bagged outfit. She was wearing knee high black leather boots, a  black skirt with silver flames rising from the bottom, and a dark crimson shirt under a black denim jacket which had sequin flames on the left side. She walked up to Danny and winked. "So it's time for us to get you ready to party."

Danny frowned playfully before allowing himself to be pushed into Tiffany's house. They all went to their party stations but the house was already decorated. There were white and black balloons filled with silver glitter tied to everything. The floor had a purple fluffy rug that felt so soft on the toes. There was food in hot trays sitting on the islands and other white bagged up outfits laying around with peoples names written on them.

"So am I helping or am I being hoarded upstairs?" Danny giggled looking at his posse but they all just laughed and allowed the boy to get to work. Everyone started doing their work, Danny and Lori started rolling blunts. Kendra pulled out her phone to text Kendall she had a feeling he was freaking out but she put it in the groupchat.

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