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Kendall led Danny out of their class and started walking through the halls with the boy close to him. He was about to ask about the French class when he heard girly screams come from down the hall. And he knew that meant only one thing. His twin was coming towards them. It was hard to miss Kendrick since he was over a head taller than everyone else.

Danny stay locked on to Kendall as Sarah walked with them. Danny felt it was strange that Donie wasn't outside of his class waiting for them like always. "Where's Donie?" Danny asked Sarah.

"I haven't talked to him since Saturday." She said looking at her phone. "Based on the information I do have though he probably spent time with Kendrick. You know, your brother-in-law." She teased.

"He's not my husband" Danny whispered glancing at Kendall.

"Not yet." She replied.

Kendall didn't deny it. But his focus was on his brother coming towards them. He tried to look and see if Donie was with his twin. He hadn't seen what Kendrick did with Donie on yesterday. Had they spent all day in the basement? Could Donie still be there? Kendrick wasn't above keeping his toys locked up and waiting for him.

Kendall let go of Danny's hand to instead wrap his arm around the boy and pull him close as they walked. He didn't want to stop or talk to Kendrick. Kendall didn't know how that situation would play out. He just tried to push past the crowd surrounding the swimmer and get Danny to his math class.

Standing at Danny's locker just down the hall from his next class was Donie. He was waiting there for him with a smile and open arms. Though he seemed different, his neck was covered in bruises that weren't covered up by the collar on his neck. Danny looked up at Kendall when he saw the giant K on it.

"Good morning, grand rising, happy new day~" Donie chirped for Sarah snd Danny to get even more concerned.

"Good morning, who beat you up?" Sarah asked directly. Danny just stared at the collar and started shaking nearly wanting to step away from Kendall until he explained. Though he did have to remember he had a twin brother and it was obvious, to him, that Kendall would never hurt someone like that.

Kendall sighed and saw Danny's hesitation with the sight. "Kendrick didn't beat him," Kendall answered in Donie's place. The giant noticed the way Donie looked at him, a strange blending of emotions. He was looking at the face of his lover, but it wasn't his lover he was looking at. Kendall didn't like that Donie was giving him those looks. Another reason he hated being a twin.

Donie shook it off and looked at his two best friends with a big grin. "Big man is correct, accurate, on the mark, without error!" He got louder with all of his synonyms. Donie saw Danny looking at his collar. He reached up and touched it. "Don't get jelly, sweet pea. Your boy didn't give me this. Mine did. My master~"

Kendall rolled his eyes and sighed. This kid was like a lost pet. Kendrick was either being cruel or showing some weird kindness by letting Donie have his own life, at least at school. But after spending a weekend 'training' him to be a sex slave, there was no doubt in Kendall's mind that things were going to get awkward.

"But you look like he hurt you" Danny whimpered looking at the bruises on his stomach and wrists as well. Sarah walked away not wanting anymore information on the situation, that was her way of keeping the information to herself.

"Kendall why is your brother hurting him? You look like he sat around beating you" Danny said with a worried expression. "What's your mom gonna say?"

Donie rolled his eyes and pulled his wrists away. "She can say whatever she would like. I will tell the only thing that matters," Donie said slightly annoyed and offended. "I consented. Agreed, approved, sanctioned, permitted! He wanted to do things to me. I wanted him to do things to me. And I loved every second of it."

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