Keep Trying ⚠️

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Danny felt sad and slightly embarrassed. He didn't want to feel like he couldn't handle it. He wanted to be able to take everything Kendall could give especially when they were talking about being together forever. How long would it take before his body was well trained enough for the giant to go full throttle.

"No!" Danny whined his eyes tearing up. "No! That's not fair! I want to do it, I... it's not fair that you have to keep holding back like that. It's just not fair" Danny whimpered himself into tears. "I... I got all sexy, f-for you. And you can't even... en-enjoy me. Without me being hurt or scared. I hate it!"

Kendall smiled softly and slid his arms into the bedsheets so that he could hug Danny. Kendall made the boy lay his head on his shoulder. "Danny, remember that you are still new to this. And we've already had plenty of fun today."

He tried to make Danny feel better, but once again, everything he said seemed to make Danny more upset. The only thing Kendall could do was keep trying. "We will get there one day. But I don't want to make that road painful. Not for you." The giant leaned in and kissed Danny's lips softly. "I love you too much to do that," he whispered sweetly.

Kendall brought his hand to Danny's cheek and tilted the sad boy's face up so he could kiss him better. After a minute of gentle kissing, the giant rolled them to the side so they were laying next to each other, he kept Danny mostly covered in the sheet, but it was open enough for him to see the bra. Kendall had to move Danny's legs a little so he wasn't laying on them, but the boy could still feel his boyfriend's massive tool rubbing against his thighs. Kendall smiled at Danny and rubbed their noses together.

"I think you look way too sexy in that," Kendall admitted. "And I have a few questions about it. Primarily, where did you get it? You didn't bring anything up with you."

"Ngh~" he moaned softly blushing at the erection on him. Kendall could feel Danny hardening pushing a bulge through his skirt. "K-Kendra. She bought it for me, along with... other things. But the others were even more skimpy. I though.... I thought this was the best choice."

Kendall chuckled and nuzzled Danny's neck. "Remind me to thank her later," he said as he kissed his way down to Danny's shoulder. "And to get the rest of the stuff she bought~"

Kendall's hand slid down Danny's body and reached for the skirt. He cupped Danny's erection through the lace and started rubbing him slowly. He smiled and nibbled on Danny's collarbone. "Feel good babe?~" 

Danny gave soft whimpers of delight as he pulled himself into Kendall's arms. He started moving his hips gently against Kendall's hand. "Y-yes, b-but it's not fair to you. I'm always the only one..."

Kendall would disagree. Danny made him feel good every time they were together. His smallest touch was pleasurable for him. Though if he tried to deny it, it could just make Danny argue over it more. So Kendall took one of Danny's hands and moved it down until the boy was touching his shaft.

"Then you touch me~" Kendall whispered, using his seductive tone again. His hand continued to stroke Danny's erection through the skirt. "I want you to touch me like I'm touching you, little cub."

Danny felt his face his burning hot but it was mostly his own arousal. His breathing was heavy as he became weak to Kendall and his touching. He started whining pressing his forehead against Kendall's chin. He couldn't look up at him after basically begging for this.

Danny did his best to rub Kendall up and down but he couldn't stop shaking. He chewed on his lips squeezing Kendall and moaning softly.

"P-papa bear~" Danny moaned still not looking up.

Kendall nuzzled into Danny's hair and purred softly. "Your hands are so soft~" he moaned, a smile spreading across his face.

Kendall thrust his hips slowly to push himself into Danny's hands. His shaft was throbbing hard now, finally getting some attention on it, Kendall made soft grunting noises. Danny could already feel the tip leaking precum onto his fingers. The slippery goo made it easier for him to slide his hands along Kendall's tool.

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