Gentle Kisses ⚠️

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Kendall's POV

I felt myself smiling as the wet sticky front of Danny's purple shorts began rubbing against me. But I kept going, humping against the back of his pants as my fingers slipped under the waistband. "I don't think I got that tingling feeling yet. Maybe it's down here~"

I grinned and moved my lips to my boyfriend's other nipple. The first one was already looking pucker and swollen from my work, and I was quick to get to that on the second. I sucked hard and bit down on the soft skin around the boy's little nub. My hands slid further down the back of Danny's shorts until my fingers found his hole. I smiled and bit down on the hard nipple in my mouth as my fingers began to rub around the hole and press against it.

"Is this where you feel it, Danny?~" I groaned.

"Y-yes Kendall~" he whined digging his nails into my skin turning me on even more. He has no idea how I could destroy his hole, but one step at a time. "I'm scared," and that's step one.

"Scared of what?" I asked giving him soft kisses.

"Of it hurting, and you leaving after I give it up~" he said still moaning to my touch. That's a legit worry, a lot girls and bottoms have this problem. I've seen it myself, guys pretend to want relationships until they stick it in. After that they dont matter anymore and it's on to the next.

I leaned in and gave his tender kisses along his forehead and over his eyes and one little peck on the tip of his nose. "I know we don't know much about each other, but I think you know me pretty well. And I think you know that I wouldn't do that to you. I'm your knight in shining armor."

I touched my forehead to his. "Look at me Danny, look in my eyes..." After a brief moment of hesitation, he did look up and stare at me with those gorgeous green eyes. "I won't leave you. I promise."

I pull one hand out of his pants so that I can give him a hug. A tight hug full of warmth and promise. Kendall meant what he said. He wouldn't leave Danny, he wouldn't, not like that. "I hope you believe that."

I felt him sniffle in my arms making me hold him a little tighter. He pulled back letting me see his eyes again.

"I do, I believe you" he kissed me again but this kiss had a lot of passion. It was desperate but calming, making me feel like I had a job to do. I'm his knight, I'm gonna protect him and right now his best protection is in my arms. "I wanna do it Kendall, I want you."

Those words made me smile. The believing in me part, not the wanting me part. I mean, I was happy, very happy to hear he wanted to do it. But I felt greater pride in how he saw me as his knight. I kissed Danny back, tasting the passion and desire he felt. I parted my lips, but I didn't push in this time. I left my mouth open as an invitation. I wanted him to come to me. While that invitation was open, my hands began working on his. I pulled my hands out of his shorts and instead grabbed at mine. I quickly unbuttoned them and, lifting my knees so I didn't have to tilt Danny backwards, I pushed them and my jockstrap to my knees. Danny felt the hard slap on his ass as the massive tool came free. I let out a deep sigh of satisfaction. I hated having pants on when I got an erection. Danny put his tongue in my mouth dancing with mine. His shorts were still on but I felt he still wasn't wearing any underwear. He squirmed and moved all over my naked cock.

"Should I... you know" he said pointing to what he was sitting on. "Since you did me?"

My eyes popped wide and my cock throbbed hard in response. It twitched so quickly it slapped against Danny's butt again. But I tried to keep my cool. Staying calm and not getting too excited was what I needed to do, I didn't want to stress out Danny and I didn't want to push myself to a point where I simply mounted him.

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