Papa Bear

506 19 5

Third person

Kendall gave his boyfriend a kiss and walked out of the room heading downstairs. The only people who hadn't left were the dancers and about 3 of Kendall's teammates. Even his brother had left, probably to go home and shower or work. Lori spotted the couple coming down stairs, everyone began to 'awww' at then. Danny smiled with pride unafraid of their relationship. He no longer cared of the entire school knew.

"Where are you taking our baby?" Janae asked smoking on the couch.

"Yeah you didn't get our permission to take him out the house." Hannah added closing the refrigerator door.

Kendall raised his eyebrow at them. He didn't intend to ask anyone for permission. Danny was his boyfriend now, so the only opinion Kendall cared about, the only person he needed to know was okay with their plan was Danny.

The athlete looked at the boy in his arms and saw him smiling and laughing at the girls. His dance team was like his family, so he couldn't just reject them. But he didn't want to ask them for anything. He looked at the girls and smiled. "I'm taking my boyfriend on our first date. The party doesn't count."

Kendall smiled at Danny and leaned in to kiss him on the forehead before pulling the boy against his bare chest. "And as to where... I was hoping to keep that a secret. Now, has anyone seen my shoes?"

Jelly, having lost his chance to bring up food, quickly hopped over the couch and began running around looking for the captain's boots.

"Going out?" Lori teased. Danny just smiled and nodded all the girls could see how excited he was.

"Yep, it's gonna be so much fun" Danny said giving Kendall a kiss on the cheek.

"Dont come back with anymore hickies doodle book!" Lori snapped at him but was really talking to Kendall. "There may not be enough foundation in the world to hide that from mom."

"Speaking of, I was planning on taking him to see mom tomorrow. Since we go back anyway" he said shyly.

"Oh ok. Well you know Sunday is cleaning day. That also means everyone is cleaning in summer clothes for her to do laundry all day. So you ready to be stripped to your swim wear with your boyfriend infront of mom AND DAD?" Lori asked taking the blunt from Janae.

"D-dad is back?" Danny said shaking, since he told his father he was gay he had been treated like one of the girls. Being a boy doesn't matter when you like masculine men, well not to their dad.

"Yep and he's bought 2 more guns. So he's gonna do a make up check" she reminded him.

"Shit! Shit shit! I'm dead!" Danny whined looking all over his exposed skin to see many dots everywhere.

"What if I say I got attacked by bugs?" Danny asked.

"Not gonna work, she'll Google the bug bite." Tiffany chimed in knowing their mother. "Then she'll call my mom and have him check you up remember?"

Tiffany's parents were doctors, her mother was in pediatrics so she treated a lot of the kids in the neighborhood. Danny and his siblings had been getting free care from her family for years.

Kendall looked at Lori and appeared intrigued. "Your dad buys guns? What kind? Does he go to a range?" Kendall didn't seem to feel threatened by this at all.

Internally, Kendall was already preparing himself for the confrontation. Danny's anxiety told him that the father didn't approve of something in his lifestyle, most likely his homosexuality. And that alone was enough for Kendall to hate him. He didn't care if the man was Danny's father, anyone who showed that kind of discrimination ticked him off and he would rebel against them.

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