Time for Dinner

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Third person from here on

Kendra was banging on Kendall's door for the third time, getting frustrated. Mom had already called them all to dinner and he was still in his room playing house with her cheerleading friend.

"Kendall!" she shouted through the door. "Will you hurry up? I've got the shorts you were asking me for. Now come get them so I can go downstairs!"

The door popped open and Kendall's head poked out, it was obvious he wasn't wearing a shirt. "You do not need to scream at me. I'm trying to find him a shirt that looks decent."

Kendra heard none of that. As soon as she saw her brother's face, she threw the shorts at it and ran off. "I don't want to see you naked! Why are both my brothers nasty!"

Kendall groaned and pulled his head back and closed the door. He turned around to look at Danny who was going through the shirts in his closet, still naked except for his socks. The sight almost made Kendall forget dinner and want to take Danny back to bed. But he didn't want to face his mother's wrath.

Kendall walked over with the shorts. "I don't know how you put up with my baby sister. She is too much for me. But she did bring these for you." Kendall held up the shorts which looked like the right size for his boy, but he hadn't yet given Danny any underwear.

Danny turned around after finding a big purple tshirt. It was way too big but he put it on anyway. The shirt hung down to his knees looking like a small child. He turned to Kendall and skipped over to him. "How's this?" He asked twirling in the oversized shirt.

Kendall gave Danny that wicked smile of his. The smaller boy recognized it as his 'naughty thoughts' grin. Kendall was still naked and his erection was a clear sign that he was thinking bad things.

"You look sexy enough to eat~" the taller boy said. He came in close and leaned in to steal a kiss. He made it a quick one, they needed to go. He smiled at Danny and put the shorts in his hands. "Hang on to these for a second. I have a little surprise for you."

Kendall went to the dresser he had fit into his closet. He started going through drawers, looking for something. He started tossing things out and scattering them around the room, his socks, underwear, jockstraps, undershirts. He grumbled like a frustrated child unable to find a toy. He bent down to look at his bottom drawers, sticking his ass out straight at Danny.

The boy couldn't help but giggle as he went up and gave Kendall a little pinch on the behind. He squealed as the giant jumped up and turned to see him. Danny just stood there with the shorts examining them as if he didn't do anything.

"Well aren't these nice" Danny teased pretending he didn't do anything.

Kendall glared at Danny. He hadn't expected his boyfriend to be a little tease. "Be careful, little cub," he warned, a big grin on his face. "I'm already on the verge of telling them we're feeling too sick to come to dinner. And if that happens, your ass is getting back in that bed~" He growled playfully before going back to the dresser looking for whatever mysterious surprise he had lost.

Danny blushed and kept his hands to himself putting on the shorts. They fit perfectly and hugged his booty just right. Danny decided to pull on the shirt until it was skin tight. He then tied a knot in the back to keep it up, now his midriff was showing slightly.

"What are you looking for?!" Danny whined wanting Kendall to hurry up and find whatever it is.

"Aha!" Kendall pulled out a box. "Got buried under my shorts...somehow... Anyway..."

Kendall turned to face Danny with a smile, but the smile fell a little when he saw Danny already wearing the shorts. The box in his hands had a picture of a man with some fancy looking underwear, showing it was underwear for the boy that he had been looking for.

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