Still in Trouble?

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Bundled up in his warm sweater, Donie slept peacefully in Danny's bed. A couple looking for a bedroom to sneak off to bumped into the locked door and jolted him awake.

"I'm awake," he mumbled blinking the sleep out of his eyes. "I'm awake, master. I'm here."

Donie looked around, trying to remember what was going on. His body was still feeling like trash. His stomach needed to be emptied. The boy quickly got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. After relieving himself and cleaning up, Donie went back to the room and looked around for Danny. But the boy wasn't there. Donie felt a little sad that Danny didn't stay with him. But it was his engagement party, so he was probably out there having fun. He headed downstairs to look for his master to apologize for whatever he had done. Donie saw Connie in the kitchen, looking well rested and eating some breakfast. They shared a wave before Donie moved on. Then he saw Kendra. He smiled and ran to her.

"Hey girl!" Donie gave her a hug. "Have you seen Kendrick? I need to see him, and I have to apologize for anything I did that embarrassed him."

Kendra who was still extremely drugged up shook her head at Donie. "I wouldn't if I were you, but he's in the basement using Tiffany's dad's work out equipment." He said pointing down the hall to a door.

The drugs in the tailypo's body were still effective since Kendrick decided to take 5 pills and 4 stickers by himself. The boy was sweating up a storm bench pressing 300 pounds. The boy could definitely lift more but that was all Mr. Dawson had around. Kendrick was chewing gum to keep from biting a hole in his cheek. Blowing large bubbles and popping them before the weight hit them. Donie looked at the door and frowned. He didn't want to have master hurt him again, but he felt the urge to go to him and submit. He was a good little pet and desired to be by his master's side.

The boy looked back at Kendra and frowned. "Is he still that mad at me? What did I do?"

"You started speaking French or some other language I don't know." Kendra tried to explain pulling him close to whisper in his ear. "You were screaming stuff then kendall called you an evil garden gnome. You bit Kendrick and that's when he threw you in the water and tried to kill you."

Donie gasped and covered his mouth. His eyes were wide as saucers and filled with horror.

"I... b-bi..." Donie stammered trying to get it out. "I bit him?! I bit master!?" Donie shook his head and began pacing. Tears came to his eyes and began rolling down his cheek. "How could I do that? Why would I? I'd never. I wouldn't! I couldn't!"

Kendra heard Donie began to sniffled. To the boy, this was like the ending of his world. Kendrick was everything to him. He loved the master who had done so much for him. For the one who took care of him.

"I must go apologize," Donie said quietly. "And take the punishment my master gives me."

"Not alone, you won't." Connie walked over and put an arm around Donie's shoulders. "I'm going with you." Connie looked up at Kendra. "Kendrick is still probably high on those pills. What are the chances he'll try to hurt Donie again?"

"Very high" she replied with a raised eyebrow. "But you going down with him may soften the blow. He won't hurt the baby." She instructed before bending backward to walk on her hands through the living room.

Connie cocked her head to side and watched Kendra go. "Damn, she's good."

Patting the quietly sobbing Donie on the back, the chipper and happy Contessa smiled. "Come on, little brother, let's go see how pissed of master is." Donie cried harder at the girl's apathetic comment.

Going down to the basement, Connie had the sad boy wait outside the door. With Kendrick's hearing and smelling, he could tell both were there if he were paying attention. Contessa stepped in first and smiled at Kendrick. "Good morning, master. How are you feeling?"

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