she didn't attend classes the next day. still shaken up by her panic attack the night prior.

ron had gotten hermione to knock on briar's door to see if she was ok. she had a tiny fit about it but eventually swallowed her pride and did as he asked.

ron asked harry what had happened the night before, trying to figure out if he was the issue.

harry just said that they talked about cedric and she left abruptly.

ginny had walked in at some point after dinner after asking ron where briar was, which led her to yelling at harry, assuming it was his fault, then going up to her dorm to ask for herself.

she lightly tapped on the door as briar sat up in her bed, her eyes were puffy and small, and her face wore a sad expression.

ginny walked in and gently sat down on the side of her bed asking what the matter was.

briar looked up at ginny and felt ginny hug her tightly as she began to slowly tell her what had happened.

briar typically wasn't the type to openly cry in front of anybody, even her mother was tough, but in that moment she could really tell ginny cared and she just let it out, trusting ginny not to judge her.

ginny nodded as she stroked briar's hair telling her to take all the time she needed.

as she walked back towards the trio after leaving briar's room she told them it wasn't harry's fault.

ron tried to get by ginny to go and see her but she was too quick for her brother.

"leave her alone." she scolded, "let her come to you."


the next day briar woke up to a blotched looking face.

she felt a lot better than she did the day before and the night before that.

she took cedric's words into consideration, 'to go on without him' it stung a little, the thought of accepting and beginning a new chapter. but after the several hours she had to herself in her bed, she realized that she should attempt his final words.

she found herself in the same exact place she was the year before, telling herself to pick herself up off the ground and to make more of an effort.

the only difference was, last year it was to break out of her shell and try to make friends. this year, it was to try and accept cedric's death and try to be happy again.

she had already felt improvement and she felt herself starting to be happy but this, this was a clear sign, telling her she really needed to do this for herself and for him.

she put on her uniform underneath her school robes.

going down to breakfast she ran into peeves, "hello, briar, is it?"


"well, i have a message for you." he flew in circles around her, making her feel dizzy.

"well? go on."

"fred weasley is looking for you."

"ok." she shrugged.

as she started to walk off peeves called out to her making her turn back around.

she screamed seeing peeve's nasty face smiling at her as he flew towards her at a rapid pace.

"what the bloody hell was that for?!" she yelped as he flew into the ceiling.

she suddenly heard a voice behind her making her jump slightly, "you're such a copier."

"what are you on about ronald?"

"you said 'bloody hell' and that's my catchphrase." he smirked walking closer to her.

she scoffed, not being able to hide the blush on her cheeks, "i don't know what you're talking about."

"it's ok to admit it. you're starting to take after me, using my slang, paying attention to what i say."

"i'm sorry, did you just say 'your slang'?" she laughed loudly.

his face instantly turned a deep red color, "well, yeah. no one else says it but me."

she rolled her eyes playfully, "don't get so cocky ronald. it's not a pretty look on you."

"oh come on, you know you love me." he stated as he swung his arm around her shoulder and used his other to run a hand through his hair, making it more messy than it already was.

she couldn't deny, he was pretty hot.

there was a new confidence about him this year. and she definitely liked it, there were times when he would get nervous and flustered, which she also liked, and gave him that innocence she knew he still had.

"staring isn't very nice darling." he smirked down at her, knowing what he was doing.

suddenly she felt her face get hot, now it was her getting embarrassed.

she didn't know how, but he could always seem to make her feel her best, bring out the best in her, and show her how the best things were supposed to be.

as they entered the dining hall, fred ran up to them, causing ron to pull his arm off her.

she looked up at him with a confused face.

she had gotten used to his arm lying there.

"briar! ronnie boy." he said nodding at each of them separately, "did you get my message?"

"yes, and let me say it was very anticlimactic." briar teased.

fred started leading her over to the gryffindor table, briar looked back to ron as he stood there watching her walk off with his brother as hermione came up beside him, motioning for him to sit down with her.

cutting her attention back to fred she asked him, "so- um- what did you want me for?"

a blush rose to his face, making him slightly flustered, "well nothing technically..."

she raised her eyebrow to him in question.

"well, you just haven't hung out with me- me and georgie in a little while. george misses you."

briar smiled seeing this sight, she didn't get to see a nervous fred very often, never, actually. he was always calm, cool, confident, and collected.

"uh huh." she looked down to george, seeing him happily talking to lee.

fred looked down to him too and went over to sit next to him, "georgie, you miss briar hanging out with us, don't you?"

"huh?" george looked to fred, dropping his spoon in his porridge. when he saw fred nod his head towards briar he caught on, "ohhhh, oh yeah. i do."

briar looked at them quizzically, not buying their charades, "yeah, ok..."

"oh come on briar, come and join the big boys again, huh?" fred patted down the seat next to him.

she looked down at him, then back to ron, who seemed happily complete chatting it up with hermione, "alright, yeah. i think i will."

isn't it so awkward when you're gay and your friend who you kinda maybe have a crush on likes a boy😆😜

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