it had been a few days since both briar and ron decided to wait until after the ball to talk about what happened at the party.

it was silently killing him, not knowing if she truly felt the same or if she was just drunk.

briar had come to watch gryffindor practice.

ron didn't know if this was a good or bad thing.

every time he would mess up and get yelled at by angelina, he would pray briar wasn't paying attention in that moment and would wish she wasn't there at all to see it.

other times, when he would succeed, he would hope the opposite, hoping she noticed and was proud of him.

"you were great out there ron." briar ran up to him after practice gassing him up, "now all you have to go is put that into the upcoming game!"

"yeah..." he said with uncertainty.

"come on, i'll get you a butterbeer."

"how? we can't go down to hogsmeade."

"kitchens." briar said simply, as if it was the most obvious answer.

"mr wheezy!" dobby ran up excitedly to them once they walked in the door.

not wanting to correct dobby ron just smiled awkwardly and shook his hand.

"i have something for you..."

ron reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny hat.

"i thought since it's getting colder you might want to cover up from the cold..." he explained as he handed the small beanie to him.

briar couldn't help but swoon at the fact that ron had thought of the elf and was concerned for him.

she felt a soft smile tug at her lips as she watched this interaction.

when dobby didn't say anything and slid it down his head, his ears were pressed down in an uncomfortable state.

"i- erm- i didn't know wether you would want a space for your ears or not, so i just kept it the way it is. but, you can cut holes for your ears if you'd like, or i can send it to mum and ask to to make..." he pondered for a second on how she would sew spaces for elf ears, but ultimately was cut off by dobby.

"master wheezy..." dobby trailed off as he lifted the hat from his head slowly, looking up at ron as if he were god himself, "how could i ever repay you- you have given dobby so much!"

"oh you don't have to-" he stopped himself and remembered why they came to the kitchens, "actually, dobby could you make us some butterbeers?"

"anything for mr wheezy and his friend!" dobby said delightedly before he trotted off, presumably to make them their butterbeers.

"that was very kind of you." briar said sheepishly as they went off to sit down.

"it was nothing really," ron dismissed, "i've given him old articles of clothing for a while now."

"but still-" she argued, "not many people would do that for elves."

ron blushed to himself silently as he twiddled his thumbs.

"so," briar began, trying to change the subject, "are we going to see the same beautiful dress robes from last year?"

it took a second to register what she was talking about.

he let out something of a mix between a sigh and a scoff, "not bloody likely."

"aw, why not?" briar fake pouted, "i really liked them!"

"please! i was the laughing stock of the ball!" ron countered loudly. he couldn't help but let a laugh escape from his lips, though.

"i thought you looked quite handsome..." she mumbled, loud enough so that ron could hear.

just as ron opened his mouth to reply the small elf came rushing over with two butterbeers in his hands, practically overflowing at the brim.

dobby placed them down as gently as he could, smiling up to ron and briar happily.

"thank you." briar thanked softly. she elbowed ron at the side to thank him too. he was already gulping down his butterbeer as if there were no tomorrow.

he choked slightly before he looked down and realized what he did wrong, "right, thanks dobby."

as dobby waddled away, briar turned to ron with a stern look on her face.

he wanted to joke that she looked like mcgonagall, but decided against it.

"i'm sorry!" he said, his voice going higher than he obviously meant for it to be.

as they left the kitchens, briar laughed as ron told her the story of when the twins tried to get ron to make the unbreakable vow.  

she laughed loudly as she fell into ron's embrace.

he quickly cupped his hand over her mouth to muffle her laughs.

her back was pressed against his torso.

she could feel the distinctness of his muscles he gained over the summer.

also, feeling how tall he truly was behind her.

she looked up at him quizzically before seeing his eyes settled down the hall, in front of them.

she looked down where he was and saw the unmistakable mrs norris, standing there, staring at them with an evil grin, if cats could even grin.

mrs norris waved her tail around in the air delicately before she ran off to get filch.

briar swatted ron's hand away from her mouth quickly, "come on! we have to get back to the common room!"

"right..." he said, barely above a whisper.

he grabbed her hand and pulled her down the halls.

it was obvious he had a good amount of height gained on her, making him easily run faster than her.

after running at high speed for a good five minutes, ron stopped abruptly, causing briar to run into his back and yelp in surprise.

she looked up at him to see he was looking down the different halls urgently as she whispered, "what?"

"i think i hear filch." he whispered back. "come on." he tugged at her hand again and pulled her into a corridor.

just as suddenly as he had stopped, he jerkily pulled her into him behind a wall.

she knew better than to speak, so she just basked in the moment of having him hold her so closely to him again. not helping with the fact that she was already blushing like a mad woman.

they heard footsteps creep up along the side of the hall before stopping and retreating when a painting told him they think they, briar and ron, had gone in the opposite direction.

once they heard he was far enough away to not hear, they crept out, thanked the painting before rushing down to gryffindor tower.

they trampled into the common room, slamming their backs against the entrance in relief.

their lungs were reaching for air after running around the castle.

briar slowly looked up to ron as he looked down to her.

her mouth twitched into a smile before breaking back out into laughter.

he soon joined her before she shushed him telling him, 'you're gonna wake up the sleeping first years!'

to which he responded, 'me?! you're the one who's snorting loudly!'

she gasped at him as she hit him hardly on the arm and walked up to the girls dormitories.

but not before she turned around and smiled at him saying goodnight.

sorry i didn't update yesterday. i was watching obx with my friend lol


Hayloft - ron weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now