thanksgiving came and went, it was just how briar expected it would go, a big dinner at her grandparents house, tons of talking and laughter, though she was the only one sitting silent, answering the occasional question about school.

once she got back home, she instantly went up to her room where she spent the rest of the night, waiting till she could get back to hogwarts.

the next morning, briar carried her bag down the stairs, getting ready to leave for the train.

before she knew it, they were standing in front of the train with five minutes to spare.

"you have everything, right?" her mother asked worriedly.

briar nodded her head 'yes' as an answer.

"i'm going to miss you." her mother hugged her. "send me letters, and have fun."

"thank you." she sent a tight lipped smile.

before she left her mother on the platform, she croaked something out, "i have something i wanted to ask you."

briar was always scared to ask her mother to go places, or just anything in general.

her mother rose an eyebrow in question.

she took a breath waiting for the guilt tripping and reasons why she couldn't.

"i was wondering if i could go to a friends house for the holidays, next month until school starts again in january." she managed to spit out.

instead of what she had expected, she was met with something totally different, something she wasn't expecting, "oh that's fine," her mother smiled, "i have something to attend christmas and new years anyways."

briar let her surprise show for a moment before nodding her head and greatfully accepting this free pass.

managing to make it on the train just thirty seconds before it took off, briar swung her bag over her shoulder.

as she passed different compartments on the train, she heard her name get called behind her.

she turned around quickly to see ron waving her over to the compartment he was in.

she knew it wouldn't be just the two of them, but still walked towards him.

"hi." she smiled.

"hi." he said back.

they were acting as if it's been years since they've seen each other.

after a few moments of silence and staring, he cleared his throat, "i-um, would you like to come in?"

briar chuckled and stepped into the compartment.

"briar!" ginny exclaimed as she jumped up from her seat to hug her.

"hey gin."

she sat down across from ron and next to harry.

"how was your holiday?" harry asked.

"you mean the two days we had out of school?" she laughed.

harry's face flushed, "well, i guess so- yeah."

"eh, it was what it usually is."

"and what does that mean exactly?" ginny chimed in.

"ginny, why are you even here?" ron seethed ginny's way.

ginny looked at him taken aback, "because i wanted to see briar!"

ron rolled his eyes, "well you've seen her, you can leave now."

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