once they got to the common room, briar and ron went up to his dorm.

ron said he had to 'visit pig'.

"i thought you didn't like your owl." briar rose her eyebrow.

"he may be bloody annoying, but that doesn't mean i can't just not take care of him!" he exclaimed back, his face turning red.

"i know you secretly love him... and toulouse."

"pig was a gift from sirius, i'm not going to kill the owl harry's godparent got me."

when they entered his dorm, pig instantly started flapping around in his cage excitedly, causing it to move slightly.

ron let his tiny owl munch on some food before bidding him a goodbye and pulling briar out of the dorm and headed to hers.

briar closed the door behind her and saw a sleeping toulouse wake up.

the kitten instantly got up and weaved between ron's legs, rubbing her head on his shin.

ron ignored toulouse and turned to face briar. "you know, we don't have classes tomorrow."

when she didn't understand what he was trying to say, he continued, "we could spend the night together. and not just like how we have before, like it's for real this time."

she blushed and scuffed her shoes at the floor. "alright, yeah."

he leaned down to kiss her as he hooked his hand to her chin, lifting her lips up to his.

when they broke apart, he took his knuckle and brushed it on her nose, flicking it slightly.

she smiled and turned her face away from him as she lead him over to the bed.

the sun was already setting, seeing as though it was november.

briar sat with her back leaning against the bed frame, sitting herself up with her legs bent up in front of her.

ron, kicked off his shoes and laid between her legs, with his head resting below her chest.

even though they hadn't been together for too long, they were already so comfortable with each other, it wasn't awkward at all, they grew to accept the other one's vulnerability.

she began play with his hair, twirling his red locks between her fingers.

"tell me something." he cooed.

"like what?" briar questioned.


he wanted to hear her voice, listen to it.

she had heard about him and his life many times before, asking to be told more and more stories. but, he had only heard snippets from hers. she was very vague about her life.

she thought for a moment before speaking again, "i've never broken a bone, or gotten stung by a bee."

ron tilted his head back so he could look at her, "really?"

"really." she chuckled. "have you?"

"broken a bone? or gotten stung by a bee?"

"both, either or."

"yes, to both."

when he didn't elaborate, briar motioned her hand basically telling him to explain.

he sighed, "i don't want to talk about me, i want to talk about you. we talk about me all the time."

"fine." she said as she pushed the hair out of his face, "ask me anything, i'm an open book."

toulouse jumped up onto the bed, laying down on ron's stomach.

he started to subconsciously pet toulouse's fur, causing her to purr softly.

briar noticed, but didn't say anything, enjoying the sight of them getting along.

"is your mum a witch? or dad? i know you're a halfblood, but i don't know which you got it from."

"my mum." she pursed her lips, "my dad is dead."

she said it with such ease, as if she's said if a million times before.

he was surprised by how cooly she told him. "why have you never told me?"

"it never came up." she shrugged, still tugging at his hair delicately.

ron suddenly flipped over and wrung his arms around her waist, hugging her as he set his head to the side on her stomach while her hands were still playing with his hair.

they didn't go any deeper into the topic of her father, which she was very thankful for, she didn't want to go through the whole 'i'm so sorry' thing.

she never wanted the moment to end, it brought her so much serotonin, she thought she would explode of happiness.

ron breathed in, taking in her scent, rain, pumpkin, and flowers.

"what do you want to do, when we are out of hogwarts." he asked.

"having a job in the wizarding world sounds fun, but there honestly isn't much that i'm interested in. plus, there so many more job choices in the muggle world." briar explained.

"like what?"

she thought for a second, debating telling him what she wanted to do.

"writing." she finally blurted out, "psychology."

he could tell she wanted to say more. "anything else?"

she sighed, "don't judge me, ok?"

she knew he wouldn't judge her, but for some reason one of the things she wanted to do seemed so far out of reach that just for wanting it was absurd.

"music would be fun."

he stayed quiet.

"like, singing..." she instantly felt embarrassed, for even wanting something that she could get laughed in the face for doing. "i don't know it's stupid-"

"it's not stupid." ron shook his head into her torso.

she'd been over it a million times, scared people would tell her she was terrible.

"i can't believe i just told you that." briar chuckled nervously.

she didn't know why she felt so vulnerable telling someone this, maybe because to really 'make it' she thought you had to be famous? she didn't know.

he could tell she didn't want to elaborate anymore.  "what's psychology?" he asked.

"it's like, about your mentality, what goes on inside someone's head, the reason why we think and do things." that was the best way she could think of describing it.

ron lifted his head up so he was looking at briar, "that sounds kinda cool."

"it is." she confirmed, "i've already done some research on it, so i know a little bit already, but i want to learn more."

he nodded as he laid his head back down onto her stomach.

"you'll be brilliant at anything you do, you're the smartest person i know." he spoke gingerly.

she couldn't stop the blush from rising to her cheeks, "what about hermione?"

"eh," he shrugged over her, "she's more school smart, you're more smart with anything."

her face must have looked like it was baked in an oven, cause she could feel the enormous amount of heat rising.

literally everything i write about briar's personality and dreams and interests, are just mine lol

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