yo sorry this took so fucking long to come out.

i had changed this chapter like fifteen times lol.

but i finally got it at a point i somewhat like?

anyways, i'm on vacation for about a week with my friend who doesn't know i write fan fiction and kinda judges wattpad so i'll try to write but if it's another long wait that's why.

i hope you enjoy!

tw: weed

"you know, i think luna has a little present for us later."

"us, you and me us? or us, the whole group?"

briar paused, thinking to herself, "i'm not sure. i'll ask."

she caught luna before she walked out of the hall.

"what's the gift you said you had for after this?" she asked.

"muggle herb." luna shrugged, as if it was obvious.

"brilliant." briar smiled to her.

"i'll be with ginny-"

ginny quickly cut her girlfriend off, "in hermione's dorm, she said she didn't want to do any but wanted to supervise so we couldn't get too 'crazy'."

briar nodded before she walked back to ron.

"us, the whole group."

his expression faltered, "why not we hangout, just me and you..." he smirked down to her cheekily.

briar rolled her eyes, "she has muggle herb."

at that, his ears perked up.

harry and ron had smoked weed over the summer, which is how ron learned to roll.

the twins would supply it for them, as well as themselves.

they said they 'knew a guy'.

ron and harry decided it was better not to know how they got it and just accept.

of course, the twins would join in on their sessions, but they didn't mind.

harry would make ron roll it for him. he would say, 'my hands are too big' to which fred would snicker beside him, 'you consider that big?'

briar had muggle friends back home, since her mother was a muggle.

which meant, she was raised with mainly muggle accustoms.

it was ironic really, because her mother was the wizard, her father was the muggle.

but yet, her mother and briar lived in the muggle world, in a muggle home, with muggle food, muggle electronics, and muggle drugs and alcohol.

they barely had anything that resonated to the wizarding world just lying around the house.

her mother didn't use magic often, ever since her briar's father passed.

briar assumed it was because magic was supposed to be a 'light, happy, and beautiful' kind of thing. but she guessed her mother viewed it with death, sadness, and a reminder to what she had lost.

her mother showed magic to her father, showing him how amazing it was, and how it wasn't just a myth.

they shared it together.

it only made their love more magical, having this secret, knowing it was real, after being told their whole lives it wasn't.

briar understood that now better than ever.

ever since cedric died, she realized just how much he lingered with her.

it was difficult enough to go back to the school he once was loved by.

but it was a whole different thing when people would mention him in school, she would see his pictures, and go places where he would go with her.

she understood how her mother didn't want to be remembered of that anymore.

she only used magic when she felt like she had to, when she felt it was necessary.

so, briar grew up knowing she was a witch, but still was surrounded by the muggle world, viewing both worlds as home.

but with her friends back home, she had learned about things like weed earlier.

she had smoked it before, with said friends.

she was no stranger to it. but, she had always gotten somebody else to roll, light, basically prepare everything for her.

she couldn't even light a lighter, that was something she was very embarrassed of.

in her defense, every time she tried nothing would happen, her hands were always sweaty.

and knowing she was going to smoke, or was in the presence of the drug, only made her more nervous and her hands even sweatier.

so seeing that ron was able to do it for her, and he gladly would, only made her like him even more.

once they got to the common room, they went their separate ways to change into comfier clothes.

briar threw on a baby tee and sweatpants while ron put on dark green pajama pants with a t shirt.

in hermione's room, hermione was sitting at a table doing homework as fred, george, ron, briar, luna, and ginny smoked.

"you know, that stuff is going to kill you." hermione mumbled from her chair.

"that's the point mione." fred laughed before he inhaled.

the next few minutes was filled with occasional laughter and smoke blowing everywhere.

hermione clearly was starting to have enough, and regretted her decision of telling them to have their smoke in her dorm.

"alright that's it!" she said abruptly, "it reeks in here! go to your own dorms!"

harry stumbled over to hermione and slung his arm around her shoulder, "oh come on, don't be a party pooper."

to that her eyes widened and forced harry out the door, yelling at the others to follow him.

briar grabbed ron's hand and pulled him towards her dorm.

she had managed to grab two cigarettes from luna before she got trailed along to ginny's dorm.

"i snagged these before we got pushed out." she lazily smiled up to him, waving the freshly rolled cigarettes in front of his face.

"brilliant, you are." he replied as he swung her over his shoulder without any effort.

too high and tired to fight him, she laughed, as he laid a hand on her upper thigh to keep her steady.

as he twisted the handle to her door open, she flopped onto the bed, laughing uncontrollably.

the lights were off, so he stumbled around the room until he crawled on top of her and stuck one of the cigarettes in between his lips. igniting the tip of the lighter, causing that to become the only light in the room.

she looked up at him intently, he looked down to her as he took a long breath in.


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